Friday, July 23, 2010

Today's Outfit.

Today was rainy, yet still super hot. I love summer, don't get me wrong...but I think I'm itching for the Fall. I can't wait until it gets a little cooler out, and I am loving the Fall '10 trends that are emerging. I think I speak for a lot of other girls when I say silk shirts are so perfect. They may not be tanks or tees, but they still manage to keep me cool in this warm weather && they're super comfy. I purchased this one recently at a Salvation Army. I could live in shirts like these...

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shirt, Adrienne Vittadini
leggings, TJMaxx
Purse, TJMaxx
Shoes, Dany Platforms- Jessica Simpson
Fox Tail, etsy
watch, Michael Kors
Black diamond ring, House of Harlow
Cross ring, F21
Bracelets, vintage
bow headband, goody


  1. I'm with you! As much as I love summer and don't want it to go away YET.... the thought of fall and fall fashion excites me! I feel like the trends and styles we're seeing for Fall are extra exciting!

    On another note, I love your outfit and those shoes are to die for.

  2. Love it! And LOOOVE those shoes!
    I don't have a silk shirt but I really want to get one, they look so cute and comfy

  3. I love the whole outfit but the shoes are great!!
    xoxo. Angie

  4. Une très jolie tenue =). j'aime beaucoup les chaussures !

  5. those shoes are to DIE for ! I really really liked this outfit x

  6. Love your heels! Very sexy...


  7. love your top and the accessories, absolutely adorable!


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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