Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday's Outfit.

Hey lovelies...I hope you all are enjoying your weekend thus far...yesterday I went vintage/thrift/antique shopping and really made out like a bandit. I cannot WAIT to show you everything I purchased. My purchases include: a vintage Gucci blazer, hot pink leather high-waisted shorts, a sequin vest, and a vintage YSL bag etc. etc. etc. I really got some GREAT stuff, and the prices were un-real.
Anyways, here is the outfit I wore to go shopping...just comfy...and an outfit that could keep me cool when the heat index is 102 degrees! YIKES!
Stay tuned to see some of my vintage finds...and don't forget to enter my giveaway! It ends next Tuesday at 5:00 PM eastern time! Enter HERE! :)

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silk top, vintage
shorts, vintage Levis
purse, vintage Gucci
belt, vintage YSL
necklace, vintage
watch, Michael Kors


  1. You really have such pretty vintage pieces! LOVE this outfit! That shirt is the sweetest!

    Have a great weekend and congrats on getting the Falken boots! :) They're SUPER high but I love 'em!!

  2. what a perfect weekend outfit, with your vintage spin, of course. i cannot wait to see the other things you picked up--hot pink leather shorts and sequin vest, please!!

    xx anna jane

  3. very cute and casual outfit! i can't wait to see a picture of the hot pink high waisted leather shorts, they sounds amazing!
    Haute Californian

  4. I love all the vintage!
    This outfit is beautiful, especially your top!!


  5. so chic..great outfit though

  6. so summer look likey like baby

  7. I love this! Such a great weekend outfit, casual yet chic. xo

  8. love the outfit especially the top!!!


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