Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Poison Apple N.Y.C. Giveaway! [Closed]

I was browsing the internet one day and stumbled upon this insanely awesome jewelry store online, by the name of Poison Apple N.Y.C. I always love to seek out independent shops and designers, and I really fell in love with so many pieces on the site. I just had to know more about the shop and the designer behind all the rad pieces. So, I did a little Q&A with the owner Jonelle...

1.) Tell us a little about Poison Apple Jewelry.
"Poison Apple started out as a way for me to earn side money while working a retail job way back in 2002. Over the years it grew and I became more and more focused on making it my full time job rather than continuing working for others at jobs that I was not 100% satisfied with. I now focus all my time on the label and i'm happy with how it has grown. The Poison Apple line has always had a feminine yet tough kind of aesthetic with lots of hanging chains and rougher materials paired with girlier ones. For example reclaimed leather paired with pearls. The designs I come up with do change with the current trends but it always has that underlying edginess to it."

2.) How did you come up with that name, "Poison Apple?"
"Lol, I've been asked this question so many times and at this point it is kind of hard to pinpoint exactly why I chose that name. Basically it was the perfect bittersweet sounding name that went along with my jewelry....Edgy, yet feminine."

3.) What type of girl do you envision sporting your jewelry?
"I like to think the girl who wears my jewelry is always on the lookout for whats new and fresh in fashion and wants to be the first one to dicover a new label. Somebody who really enjoys finding something that maybe their friends don't already know about."

4.) What inspires your pieces?
"Usually the materials themselves inspire me. I will gather up a bunch of vintage or repurposed chain and charms and sit there with them in front of me and the designs just kind of jump out at me. I dont usually start with a sketch, sometimes I will look at a bunch of inspiring fashion blogs, images and boutiques prior to designing my samples and that helps me find a kind of theme for what style of jewelry I want to design that day, and then the rest just happens organically from experimenting with the materials until I come up with pieces that I like and can re-create on a larger scale."

5.) Can you offer us any tips on accessorizing?
"I think staying true to yourself is always a good thing, dont wear something that isn't you just because it's in style. I personally tend to think more is more rather than less is more. Rings always look better when grouped on a few fingers rather than one ring by itself. Same goes for bracelets. I love big earrings on pretty much anyone, but i dont think you should pair them with a necklace. A long statement necklace is the easiest way to transform a look from plain to interesting without exerting a lot of effort."

Here are some of my fave pieces for the online shop: [and they have great price points]

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Bent Arrow Ring, $32

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Brooklyn Love Necklace, $40

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Dagger Necklace, $35

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Feathers and Fringe Necklace, $40

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1920's Jet Bracelet, $60

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Jeweled Heart Bib Necklace, $135

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Love My Soldier Locket, $68

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Make a Wish Necklace, $20

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Pocahontas Bracelet, $60

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Tough Lolita Hooks earrings, $16

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Werewolf Killer Crystal Bullet Necklace, $50

And Jonelle has offered up these lovely earrings to the winner:

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Heart Owl Earrings, $32

Here is how to enter:

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture on bloglovin' -or- google (state how you are following in your comment).
2.) Become a public fan of Poison Apple N.Y.C. -and- Belle de Couture on facebook.
3.) Visit the Poison Apple N.Y.C. online shop and tell me your fave piece in your comment.
4.) Don't forget to leave your contact information (name, blog address, or email address)

The giveaway is open to U.S. residents only -and- the giveaway will close on August 10, 2010 at 5:00 PM
Good luck to all!



  1. Hi! I'm already following you!

    Those earrings are adorable! I really like all the jewelry. My favorite item I think would have to be the crown and sword pearl necklace. I would definitely be something I would wear.

    I'm fans on facebook as well. My name is Gina. Email is [email protected].


    xoxo, gina

  2. Hi, hope it's OK to contact you here. We would love to include your blog on our giveaway search engine: Giveaway Scout (http://www.giveawayscout.com). Have a look and if interested, use our online form to add your blog (http://www.giveawayscout.com/addblog/ ). thanks, Josh

  3. Simply amazing! I can't pick my favorite... They're all so lovely...


  4. I just became a fan, and i'm following you on bloglovin.com. I just can't pick a favorite. I love them all, but i'd love to enter the giveaway

  5. Already a follower...one of the first ;)
    My favorite necklace is the I love my soldier layered one! I also love the gold arrow ring that you posted, I can never get enough gold accessories!!

    Email: [email protected]

  6. i'm a follower on gfc!
    karitsaj at gmail dot com

  7. my favorite is the jeweled heart bib!

    im following on google!

    check out my giveaway as well!


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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