Monday, September 13, 2010

Lucky Charms by Baraki Giveaway [CLOSED]

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Hey lovelies! I came across this very unique shop on etsy...Although I'm Christian, I have this fascination with Hamsa and evil eye jewelry... it's so beautiful and eye catching.... Lucky Charms by Baraki has some great pieces that you must check out!!

1.) Tell us a little about the Lucky Charms by Baraki shop.

The Baraki shop is all about good luck and good energy.
Here you can find a variety of lucky charms with the Kabbalah letters.
The Hebrew letters are most powerful with a saint energy, they are
capable to focus thoughts and actions and to help us to navigate our lifes.

2.) What inspires you to create your pieces?

I deal in many areas of craft, I love mixmedia, collages art, ATC, I love sewing as you can see in my Flickr, but most of all I love makeing jewelry.
I'm not a religious, but I was always attracted to the Kabbalah.
The Kabbalah gives me inspiration to design jewelry. I love simple jewelry with the use of a hamsa , Chai (number 18), red strings, turquoise and ets. I believe that everyone needs protection from the evil eye.

3.) What's your fave item in your shop?

My fave item in my shop is the silver anklet Hamsa and Star of David.
I wear it almost every day.

4.) What type of guy or girl do you envision wearing your pieces?

This is a difficult question, I think all types of people. when having a virtual shop, you do not know who your buyers. I think it's amazing that people from all over the world can buy my art. Without the Internet it was not possible.

5.) What's your own personal style like?

I like jeans and T-shirts, usually wearing sneakers. I do not like to wear jewelry (just to create them) and even I dont wear a watch.

Here are some of my fave pieces from her shop:

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Tally, the shop owner, is generously offering five items from her shop to FIVE WINNERS!

The Grand prize winner will receive:
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The Special and Unique Kabbalah pendants and charms Necklace

The second winner will receive:
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Copper Kabbalah key pendant

The third winner will receive:
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Red string leather kabbalah evil eye hamsa bracelet

And the fourth and fifth winner will receive:
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Hamsa red string charm (also in black)

The giveaway is open to ALL readers (US and International).

How to enter:

[Please one comment]

1. Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2. Visit the Lucky Charms by Baraki etsy shop and tell us your fave piece(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1. Become a follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2. Become a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name)

3. Add Lucky Charms by Baraki to your Favorites if you have an etsy account.

The Giveaway will be open until Monday, September 20th at 7:00 PM

Don't forget to enter my latest giveaway people's couture giveaway! It ends Saturday Sept. 18th at Noon eastern time!
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Good Luck!


  1. What a fabulous giveaway!! I love the golden hoop ALD necklace and the copper Kabbalah key pendant! Everything from Lucky Charms by Baraki is beautiful though!

    And I'm a follower via Bloglovin' (I'd love for you to follow me too!)


  2. I really like this shop, thanks for the giveaway!! My fav is the Vintage style oval cabochon rose flower necklace :)

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  3. I also follow you via FB (Arianna Viaggi)

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  4. Enter me please! Following via google, as fisiwoman.
    My fav item is the Vegan Backpacker Facebook page.

    Ana Belén R.M

  5. Following on Bloglovin too.

    Ana Belén R.M

  6. Following on FB (Ana Belén R M)

    Ana Belén R.M

  7. I love the Special and Unique Kabbalah pendants and charms Necklace
    Followed by Bloglovin
    also on FB my name is Ellaki Pt

  8. hey following Belle de Couture via Google: stephanie cummins

  9. my fav product whould have to be Special and Unique Kabbalah pendants and charms which is the grand prize :D

    [email protected]

  10. I am a follower with GFC


    I love Leather wired Hamsa charm on a silver metal chain

    twannywun (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Karen :)

  11. I am a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook

    karen scammell

    twannywun (at) hotmail (dot) com

  12. I like the heart chai necklace and the vintage style 3 cabochon flowers necklace, so colorful!

    [email protected]

  13. I am a follower on google AND bloglovin! :)

  14. I am a follower on facebook [Ashley Howser]

    [email protected]

  15. I'm a follower through GoogleFriendCOnnect. What a lovely give away and shop!

    EmKatCreations on etsy or
    EmKat_Creations at hotmail dot com

  16. I've added baraki to my favorites on etsy!

    EmKatCreations on etsy or
    EmKat_Creations at hotmail dot com

  17. Oops, forgot to mention my favorite item. I'm a follower through GFC and my favorite is

    EmKatCreations on etsy or
    EmKat_Creations at hotmail dot com

  18. I love the red string bracelets with the evil eye.

    I'm following on bloglovin. [email protected]

  19. Ohhh I really love the copper kabbalah pendant. They're all so gorgeous, but that one is really catching my eye. Great giveaway!

    Of course, following you via google! xo

  20. Hi! I'm a follower! :) My favorite item is the
    vintage style oval cabochon rose flower necklace :) it's very pretty. good luck everyone!

    xo, gina

  21. So cool, thanks :)

    I follow via GFC as CelyFrenchie !

    I love the 2 Crystals coated and gold plated Peace dove pendant necklace, so wonderful !

    Fingers crossed ♥

  22. I am a follower via bloglovin. I think my favorite is the flower ring. I can't believe the amazing prices either!

  23. I love the Red string Kabbalah bracelet with 3 charms

  24. I am following your blog via Google (Jen)

    My favorite piece at Lucky Charms is the Best Wishes Pendant.

    [email protected]

  25. I am a facebook fan!

    productsoftheday at gmail dot com

  26. Following via Google
    My favorite is Love silver color metel pendant necklace
    susanerios at

  27. I LIKE Belle de Couture on FB
    susanerios at


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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