Saturday, September 11, 2010

people's couture Giveaway! [CLOSED]

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Hey dolls! I am pleased to announce yet another giveaway! :)The people's couture Giveaway!
This one excites me because I am a BIG fan of body harnesses and this etsy shop has the best! :)

Not only does the shop carry harnesses, but they also carry transforming clothing, dresses, tops & blouses!

It's a very unique shop, so I was excited when Gulbin, the shop owner, agreed to do a giveaway with my blog!

1.) Tell us a little about the "peoplescouture" shop.

people's couture is a place where one can find cutting edge clothing and accessories, where we are always lazer-focused on innovation in fashion,
and where we have been making clothes that transform for the last ten years.

2.) What type of guy or girl do you envision wearing your pieces?

Someone who is not a trend follower, but a trend setter.
Someone who creates their own style from anything.
Someone who is fearless about expressing themselves,because most everything transforms at people's couture.
Someone who is wildly creative and playful.

3.) What inspires your pieces?

Mother nature, cutting edge science, big cities, surrealism and avant-garde music.

4.) Can you offer us any tips on accessorizing with your pieces?

That is why we invented the body harness, body jewelry with transformative powers!
An accessory for the 21st century!
Just put this accessory on anything and you don't need anything else.
It makes all the dumpy clothes come alive, makes frumpy clothing irrelevant,
and it transforms any ordinary clothing. there is no better way to accessorize.

5.) What's your own personal style like?

Super eclectic. I have no limits on mixing styles, qualities, periods at all!
I wear a lot of my own designs, vintage and some designer clothes.

Here are some of my FAVE items from the people's couture shop:

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Gulbin from people's couture is offering the winner any harness up to $58!! How awesome is that??
The giveaway is open to ALL readers (US and International).

How to enter:

[Please one comment]

1. Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2. Visit the people's couture etsy shop and tell us your fave piece(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1. Become a follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2. Become a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name)

3. Add people's couture to your Favorites if you have an etsy account.

Don't forget to leave your e-mail so we can contact you if you win!
The contest will be open until Saturday September 18, 12:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen by random, by
Good luck to everyone!


  1. This is a killer giveaway, gorgeous pieces, hard to pick just one, but Im lusting over peoples couture cascade harness..major love!!
    Im following via google & hoping to win this!!

    [email protected]

  2. I too LOVE the cascade harness
    susanerios at

  3. I love the gold chain harness and the gold wristbands!

    [email protected]

  4. I am following on bloglovin AND google! :)

  5. how gorgeous is that buterfly harness?!!! i would love to own one. :)
    following via bloglovin.
    [email protected]

  6. omg, I would wear them all! love the butterfly one but also first and second one from top are crazy!
    following you via google and bloglovin honey!
    big kisses and rock'n roll

  7. Totally an accessories that is not in my closet yet and I'd love to have!

    Already followin' ya via Google and Blog Lovin'

    Favorite pieces are the butterfly harness and moth harness!

  8. Crap. Sorry. That previous comment was supposed to be from me. Didn't realized that I was logged in under another account. :/

    I'm a follower via both Google AND Bloglovin'

    Forgot my email in the previous comment...

    heatheryarnellphotography @

  9. Following you on Facebook (Heather Yarnell)

  10. Added people's couture to my etsy favorites (orphanedapparel)

  11. I'm a follower through GFC. My favorite item in the shop is this one

    EmKat_Creations at hotmail dot com

  12. Added people's couture to my etsy favorites (EmKatCreations)

    EmKat_Creations at hotmail dot com

  13. I've been craving one of these for a while, but never got one yet! I love all of the body harness ones- can't decide! I'm following on bloglovin'.
    [email protected]

    I'm having a giveaway too! Check it out:

  14. LOVE the butterfly harness! I would so use that on a regular basis in my photo shoots for the store. Completely insane design.

    And... I already follow you on Blog Lovin'! XOXO

  15. I think the peoples couture cascade harness is fabulous.

  16. Liked Belle de Couture on Facebook = Cathy MacLennan

  17. I am loving the cascade harness!! New to your blog and liking it.
    Facebook name is Laura channing.

  18. My favourite is the cascade harness but they are all beautiful :)

    facebook - mandy savvybunny

  19. I have followed on facebook - mandy savvybunny

  20. I love the cascade harness too, very glam and chic. Would love to win!

  21. Blog follower!
    My favorite is the 'chain-mail body harness by people's couture'!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  22. What an amazing giveaway babe! I love the 7th one down on your fav's - can't find it in the shop! I will keep looking!

    Following you on every platform!

    FB: SparksFireworks

    Fingers crossed for this one! xx Jess


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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