Friday, September 24, 2010

Stone Child Jewelry Giveaway! :) {CLOSED}

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Hey lovelies! Another giveaway for you... :) (That's THREE this week! So don't miss out!!)

I recently came across this stellar shop on etsy, and I gasped when I set eyes on the rings! They are beyond ah-some. [If you live in the L.A. or San Fran area, please do check out Wasteland because her items are also being sold there!]

Q&A w/ Charlene [Stone Child's owner]

1)Tell us a little about StoneChildd.
Designed and created solely by Charlene Wilson, Stone Child Jewelry is the product of a girl's dream to make bold and beautiful accessories that stand out from trends you see everyday.

2)How did you come up with that name for your shop?
The fact that stones are earth's hidden treasures that have been formed over millions of years is synonymous to my aesthetic. I try to make my jewelry look like ancient hidden tresures that have a long history and story of their own(I also use a lot of stones in my pieces and they will soon be posted!!). So when thinking of a name it made sense to me to include the words stone and child because they are my number one inspiration.

)What inspires you to create your beautiful & unique jewelry?
I draw my designs from many different places but most commonly from armor, greek mythology, my friends, old rusty hardware, geometric shapes and music. With all that going on I still make sure to keep a bit of me in every piece. Basically, if I wouldn't wear it I won't make it.

4)What type of girl or guy do you envision wearing your jewelry?
The girl or guy (some pieces are androgynous) that wears Stone Child is confident in their own personal style, not afraid to make a statement, romantic at heart, has an artistic/creative side and many diverse interests.

5)What is your fave item in your shop?
My personal favorite is the psyche ring in bronze. It's just so cool.

6)Any tips on accessorizing with your pieces??
Most of my pieces can be worn together. During the day I wear 2-3 pieces of jewelry max. In the evening, the more accessories the better. One basic rule I have is never mix silver and gold.

7)What is your own personal style like?
I love to mix modern and edgy clothing with vintage. Solid colors are easier to mix and match so I have few prints in my wardrobe. Platform booties keep me at eye level and can be worn with pretty much anything. Another favorite are high waisted pants in a wide leg or super skinny. When the clothing fund is running low I'll grab a pair of scissors and revamp an old tshirt. They actually turn out pretty rad. I may even start another store on etsy just for recycled tshirts :) we'll see.

Some of my FAVE pieces from Charlene's shop

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PSYCHE Bronze Ring

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ROCKER Bronze Ring

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PSYCHE Sterling Silver and Turquoise Ring

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ARMOR Bronze Ring

***Charlene is offering one of my lovely readers this AH-SOME ring***:

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ATHENA Brass Hammered Ring

This giveaway is only open to US residents.

How to enter:
[Please one comment]

1. Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2. Visit the Stone Child Shop and tell us your fave piece(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1. Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2. Become a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3. Add Stone Child to your Favorites if you have an etsy account.

The Giveaway will be open until Friday, October 1st at 5:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by

**Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**


Don't forget to enter my other giveaways:
Michelle Chang Jewelry Giveaway!
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Ends Wednesday, September 29th at 6:00 PM eastern time!


Quirky Beauty Giveaway!
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Ends Thursday, September 30th at 8:00 PM eastern time!


  1. WOW!!! what a giveaway!! LOVE the top pick ring!!!
    Its to die for......:)

    Have a Fabulous day!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. I am a new follower and I love the NEMESIS Sterling Silver Ring
    tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

  3. Hi! I'm from Italy but my aunt lives in the US so I have an address there to leave you in case I win :)

    I really like the ARMOR Bronze Ring!

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

    Arianna <3

  4. I already follow you via fb (I'm Arianna Viaggi)

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  5. ANOTHER beautiful giveaway!
    I love the ATHENA Brass Hammered Ring

    [following with bloglovin' already]

    [email protected]

  6. Stunning ring!! I also really like the PSYCHE Sterling Silver and Turquoise Ring. I am a follower via Google friend connect.

  7. I'm so gutted I can't enter, that ring is OUTSTANDING!!!!
    Excellent interview :)
    Off to browse the store, thanks for the link!

    Just became a follower by the way xo

  8. ok i'm following!
    my favourite piece is the PSYCHE Sterling Silver and turquoise ring! wooooow.


    [email protected]

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love the psyche sterling silver and turquoise ring!

  14. I added stone child to my favorites on etsy!

    [email protected]

  15. Love the stone earrings. :) I am not sure how I am following, but I am. I think I made this blog a long time ago!

  16. My favorite is the rocker bronze ring.
    Followin via bloglovin.
    [email protected]

  17. I have an etsy account and added stonechild to my favorites!
    [email protected]

  18. Lovely stuff!
    I love the Psyche ring!

  19. I follow you via google.

    I love the armor bronze ring.

    [email protected]

  20. I'm also following you via bloglovin.

    I like the armor bronze ring.

    [email protected]

  21. I added stone child shop to my favorites on etsy.


    [email protected]

  22. I follow you on google.

    i like the turqoise ring

    [email protected]

  23. i add you on bloglovin too.

    i like the turqoise ring

    [email protected]

  24. i added stone child shop on etsy

    annieamjad username

    [email protected]

  25. I follow you on google.

    I really like the rocker bronze ring.

    [email protected]

  26. I'm also following you on blog lovin'

    i like the rocker ring

    [email protected]

  27. I favorited stone child shop on etsy. my id is atahira.

    [email protected]


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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