Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"It's a beautiful mornin', Ahhh..."

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Happy Hump Day lovelies..yet another gorgeous day today. All I want to do is open up all the windows in the house, and light cinnamon stick and pumpkin spice candles.

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I'm really craving an afternoon fair or market... I just want to stroll the streets on a brisk sunny Saturday and sip pumpkin spice latte's in my boots and cozy sweater. Another fave thing for me to indulge in when the weather is nice, is kettle korn. Yummm...there's nothing better. The smell alone just brings back joyful fall memories.

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Speaking of sweaters...I am on the hunt for a nice camel colored cable knit. I want it big so I can wrap myself up in it and wear it with skinny jeans or leggings. I know there's gotta be one waiting out there for me somwhere.

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I'm really glad Hermes decided to bring back the Constance bag. I think it's the epitome of classic chic. A true Jackie O fave...
My vintage Constance was probably one of my best vintage finds yet.

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So, what are you craving this Fall???

blazer, vintage Christian Dior
blouse, vintage via Misred Outfitters
skirt, thrifted
tights, Target
purse, vintage Hermes "Constance" bag
necklace, vintage
watch, Michael Kors
rings, House of Harlow & vintage
earrings, Sorrelli

Don't forget to enter my giveaways!
Flow Designs!
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Ends Friday, October 8th at 5:00 PM eastern time!


Bird Crap Featherwear!
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Ends Saturday, October 9th at 7:00 PM eastern time!


Eco Bling Couture!
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Ends Tuesday, October 12th at 6:00 PM eastern time!


  1. Lovely outfit, I really like the skirt!

  2. Beautiful outfit dear & I too am on the hunt for that perfect cable knit...I want a pullover, not a cardi so I'm having no such luck :( Let me know if you find more than one ;)

    XoXo-Kelli K

  3. Hi darling!
    You look gorgeous!! Love your bag!


  4. gorgeous outfit! i love the green pumps and the hermes bag, naturally. your kitty is so cute, too.

    xx a j

  5. love that outfit.. i love the shoes

  6. hi...
    followed you =)
    you look great...really..

  7. Jen! there is the Sunshine City Antique show this weekend in st. pete.

    Last year there was a vendor who had some siiick Chanel, Dior, Hermes...good excuse to get that pumpkin spice latte and wander around downtown.

    ps: dying for that bag!!

  8. Hello!! I'm a new follower of your blog, I love it!!! Your outfit is so cute, and you're gorgeous!!! I esp looove the shoes you're wearing!!

    I hope you're having a great day!!


  9. Love your outfit!! It is such a beautiful work outfit! You are an amazing thrifter. Teach me please :)

  10. Love this outfit from head to toe you look gorgeous and your shoes are to die for xoxo

  11. First of all, I'm completely envious of your gorgeous vintage hermes bag. Second, you look amazing as usual!

    To answer your question, no, I haven't received the necklace I won from your baraki giveaway yet:( I got an email from tally saying it could take up to 14 days to get the item since it was coming from Israel. Maybe it will be here soon!

  12. Love this outfit...especially that skirt! The shoe color is fab and I can't with the cute kitty that wants a bit of your spotlight! Am a new follower. Please check out my blog and follow if you like!

  13. oh my.. you look gorgeous.
    and i love your hermes bag.

  14. Oh, God such great outfit!
    You look awesome!


  15. You're such a beautiful girl with GREAT style!

    hehe, we were both featured in that blogging contest :-) ♥

  16. I love this outfit! And I totally agree about opening all the windows and candles! Sadly its been raining here so I haven't been able to :(

  17. super look, j'adore, surtout tes chaussures, la couleur est magnifique.
    superbes photos

  18. oh thats cute, i love ur hair up too!


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