Tuesday, November 2, 2010

hperl Jewelry Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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Hey dahhhlings! :) It's Giveaway time!!
I introduce to you the hperl jewelry etsy shop! It's full of some of the most unique pieces! You must check it out stat!!

One lucky winner will win these ah-some pebble earrings!!
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Q&A w/ Hila (shop owner)

1.) Tell us a little about HPerl Jewelry.

HPerl is a result of years of working in TV, believe it or not. I graduated with a Masters Degree in communication and journalism and started a career in TV production. I went into journalism because I believed it to be an extremely important profession, which would allow me to be creative in my daily duties. No such luck. After a few years of running down long corridors with a crumbling pile of tapes in my arms, I decided to take a break. I went back to writing, which was always my true love, and started taking classes in ceramics, flower arranging, sewing, everything I always wanted to experience, but was too busy to. Our small New York apartment was filled with wonky bowls and odd looking bouquets. Then I took a jewelry design class at the 92nd Street Y, and fell in love.
HPerl is the result of that process, as well continuing my education at FIT and working at my little home studio ( a little niche between the living room and the bedroom). I sold some pieces to friends, but it took a long time before I felt I was ready to call myself a professional and start selling my jewelry online.

2.) What inspires you to create some unique pieces?

I must admit, I’m a very spontaneous designer. At FIT they teach you to sketch and render your designs, and then create the model and finally the piece itself. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I have an image in my mind and I sit at my studio and create it, carving it in wax or working in metal. I get inspired by everyday things and simple shapes, and often, by other artists and other forms of art.

3.) What type of guy or girl do you envision wearing your pieces?

The guy or girl wearing my pieces? Well, they’re gorgeous of course! And they value clean lines, elegant design, artistic expression, and possess a great sense of style, and more importantly, a sense of humor.

4.) What's your fave piece in your shop?

Tough question…I like the Pebble Earrings very much, which is why they are the piece I chose for the giveaway. They are the perfect example of my design process. My father in law gave me some fine silver pellets and when I opened the box I saw tiny drops of shiny silver. I immediately thought of pebbles and created the Pebble Earrings in a few minutes. They’re one of my best sellers.

The other piece that I’m quite attached to, and in fact wear on a daily basis, is the Wings Ring. I love sculptured form and the solid weight of it.

5.) What's your own personal style like?

My personal style is, well, personal. I don’t own a lot of brand name fashion but I will buy the occasional designer piece if it captivates me, and wear it with one of my hand-knitted scarves. I like to be comfortable, but I do envy anyone who can strut in 6 inch heels, and secretly wish I could be like them. In my house there are some quality art and antique pieces next to Ikea bookshelves, but somehow it all fits together to create a cozy feeling. That’s it, then. If I had to define my style in one word, it would be “cozy”.

Some of my fave pieces from the shop (other than the Giveaway earrings):

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Hard Candy Rings

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Lion Head Earrings

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Little Big Apple Pendant

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Starry Night Ring

How to enter:

***This giveaway is open to US & International residents!***

[Please only one comment]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2.) Visit the hperl Jewelry Shop and tell us your fave item(s).

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2.) Become a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3. Become a follower of hperl Jewelry via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so Hila can find you!)

4.) Add hperl Jewelry to your Favorites if you have an etsy account.

5.) Mention this giveaway on your blog and/or facebook page (Don't forget to leave a link to your post!).

**MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

The Giveaway will be open until Tuesday, November 9th at 5:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by random.org

**Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**



  1. Lovely earrings! They are my favorite piece but I also love the lion head earrings and the heart ring.

    I follow on GFC :)

  2. I follow you on facebook (Laura Channing)

  3. I follow hperl on facebook (Laura Channing)

  4. I posted about this on facebook (Laura Channing)

    Email: [email protected]

  5. I love the Antique Key Necklace, and the Initial H ring, as well as those lovely pebble earrings!!!

    I'm following via Google by the way!


    [email protected]

  6. Oh gosh, I'm so excited to enter this not only because I already love Hila's work, but because her pebble earrings are my absolute favorite! I've been dying to have them :)

    I'm now a follower of Belle de Couture, thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  7. I already am a fb fan of Hila on fb!

  8. I love Hperl on Etsy too :) Crossing my fingers for the win!

    xo Malerie
    [email protected]

  9. Such beautiful items!
    I really like "Open Your Heart Charms"

  10. i am following via google :) and my favorite piece is Little Big Apple Pendant. Beautiful!
    isollea at gmail dot com

  11. i added shop to favorites on etsy :)
    isollea at gmail dot com

  12. Hiya!

    I'm a GFC follower and I really like the River Cuff - OOAK :)

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  13. Now following your blog publicly on google.

    Oh, hperl, how do I love thee, let me count the ways...
    The pebble earrings and the Star of David ring, ahavah cuff, and Birth of Venus necklace are my favorites.

  14. I'm already an hperl facebook follower. Do I still get another entry? I can unfollow and then refollow just to be obnoxious :D

    Another thing from the shop:
    I'd totally get the crater ring and the Starry Night ring as wedding bands or BFF rings or something. Or the crater/starry night set rings. Those two look like they'd fit together like super-hero power rings and you'd say "With our powers combined..." and then be awesome and laugh a lot.

  15. Did I mention hperl is one of my Etsy favorites?

    I love the Mona Lisa earrings, too. I want to touch them. The backs look so round and smooth.

  16. I looove the On A Wire Cuff and the lion head ring!

  17. Added hperl to my favorites on Etsy!

  18. I am following Belle de Couture on facebook!

  19. Thank you, may I have another?

    I'd already WhaleSharked an HPerl treasury (featury moi of course) today on my blog, Jill Hannah's Craftacularity, so it was a fitting addition to blog this giveaway.

    Check it out: Give it Away Now: HPerl on Belle de Couture

  20. I am following via Google! I love the red hard candy ring! XOXO Jill

  21. Hi!! I'm following you!
    I really like the antique key necklace.


  22. Love those rings! I follow you via GFC! Love your blog :)

    [email protected]

  23. New google follower! Love the Antique Key Necklace!

  24. The hard candy rings are fantastic!!! oh my!! i love them! xoxo

    kimberly.long at gmail dot com

  25. added the shop to my favorites on etsy


    kimberly.long at gmail dot com

  26. very pretty! glad i went back to look, enter me, your trustworthy follower.


  27. Already follow via Google. Like the Dainty Ring.

    monaodegard at hotmail dot com

  28. I follow using Google Connect.

    faeriesmak at gmail dot com

  29. I follow via GFC. I love these earrings and the bangle trio!

  30. I am a follower through gfc .

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  31. Following via facebook.
    Love the Mona Lisa Earrings and the key necklace =)

    [email protected]

  32. I've just become a fan of your with Google Friends Connect, I'm Emma (:

    [email protected]

  33. I'm following you with Facebook, I'm Emma Sasanelli

    [email protected]

  34. I'm following HPerl on Facebook as Emma Sasanelli

    [email protected]

  35. I follow on Bloglovin' and I am a fan of hperl jewelry on Facebook too. She is SO talented! I own the starry night earrings and I wear them all the time!
    [email protected]

  36. I'm a GFC Follower. I like the Blue Silver Hard Candy Ring.

    [email protected]

  37. I'm a follower of Belle de Couture on Facebook. Karina Hernandez

    [email protected]

  38. I'm a follower of hperl Jewelry on Facebook. Karina Hernandez

    [email protected]

  39. I've just become a fan of yours with Facebook, I'm Emma Sasanelli.

    I'm in love with the hard candy rings!

    [email protected]

  40. follower
    I like the tree of life earrings.
    [email protected]

  41. Oooh these were already on my favorite items on etsy! I love these earrings!

    I follow the blog on google

    my other fav item is the hard candy rings!

    daydrembelev at aol dot com

  42. I'm following Belle de Couture on fb

    (Amanda Greenberg)

  43. I'm a fan of hperl jewelry on fb

    (Amanda Greenberg)

  44. hperl jewelry is one on my favs on etsy

  45. aaaand posted a link to my fb page! Woot!

    (Amanda Greenberg)

    daydrembelev at aol dot com

  46. blog follower via gfc as khrista porcadilla.
    other than the giveaway earrings, i also love the modern hamsa pendant.

    khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

  47. dded hperl jewelry as an etsy fave. username is bellekhris.

    khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

  48. LOVE this shop! I'm a follower via GFC and my favorite item in the shop (aside from the amazing earrings) is this: http://www.etsy.com/listing/31987817/river-cuff-ooak

    jessicahamm at gmail dot com

  49. I am a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google shaima812

    My fave item(s) are Little Big Apple Pendant ,Lion Head Earrings and Hard Candy Rings

    [email protected]

  50. a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google. shaima812

    [email protected]

  51. - a follower of Belle de Couture via facebook Dana Ali
    [email protected]

  52. - Become a follower of hperl Jewelry via facebook Dana Ali

    [email protected]

  53. - Add hperl Jewelry to my Favorites shaimaa812

    [email protected]

  54. - Mention this giveaway on my blog

    [email protected]

  55. - facebook page



    [email protected]

  56. So excited with the giveaway. I would like to participate in it.
    Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect name liz.
    My faviest thingy must be http://www.etsy.com/listing/60668456/pebble-earrings

    Contact me dear <3

    Good luck everyone :)

  57. Hi, I already fan of you in FB name doki doki co :)

    Contact me here :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

  58. Hi, I already fan of hperl Jewelry in FB name doki doki co :)

    Contact me here :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

  59. Im a follower on GFC!
    marloweopat at gmail dot com

  60. I love the little big apple pendent!
    marloweopat at gmail dot com

  61. Enter me please! I'm already a follower via GFC.
    My fav item is Hard Candy Rings

    Ana Belén R.M
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  62. Following on Bloglovin too

    Ana Belén R.M
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  63. Following on FB (Ana Belén R M)

    Ana Belén R.M
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  64. Following hperl jewelry on FB (Ana Belén R M)

    Ana Belén R.M
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  65. Post it on my FB wall:

    Ana Belén R.M
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  66. Ooh! I never claimed my FB Like entry for Belle de Couture! FB name Jill Rosenberg. I'm Jill Hannah on there, too, but that's my fan page so it doesn't have the ability to like.

  67. follow as jhb.
    I love the Heart Ring, it is simple, bold, beautiful.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  68. added shop to favorites (jhbalvin)
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. i love these!
    i have been following you on bloglovin & fb for a while (arden rubens)

    [email protected]



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