Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Kortes Handbags Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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Hey darlings! I have another ah-mazing giveaway for you...

I randomly discovered The Kortes Handbags Shop while browsing etsy one day, and I was drooling over these handbags the moment I set my eyes on them! They are stun-ning! They looked so "vintage" that I was immediately ob-sessed {most of you know by now how much I adore anything vintage}. I was beyond stoked when Vania, the shop owner agreed to do a giveaway with my blog! I couldn't be more excited to offer one of you lucky readers a chance to win one of her unique handbags! :)

Q&A w/ Vania

1.) Please tell us a little about Kortes Handbags.

Each Kortes Handbag is one of a kind and designed based on the Golden Ratio (1.618). Our aim is to create a handmade bag that is just as much arm candy as it is an organizational marvel. From tailored, vintage-inspired bags to upcycled one-of-a-kind leather creations, we believe that unique designs and attention to detail make Kortes Handbags a MUST-have in any woman's wardrobe!

2.) What inspired you to create such unique handbags?

It all started with a dream I had one night about a handbag. I was told in the dream that the bag design was based on the Golden Ratio. I woke up determined to have that handbag! As luck would have it, I knew nothing about the Golden Ratio and would have to do some studying in order to make the bag. The more I learned about the Golden Ratio, the more fascinated I became and a handbag now called "Bettie" was born. I was stopped constantly on the street, at the market, at the movies, out for coffee... with people wanting to know where they could get the bag. And the rest, as they say, is history!

3.) What's your fave bag in your shop?

My favorite bag, and the companion I carry with me everyday, is "The Bettie". That being said, I love each and every bag I sell. Every Kortes Handbag starts with a vision of something unique that I have never seen before but would like to own myself.

4.) Are handbags your most favorite accessory?

I see handbags as more of a necessity than an accessory. A quality handbag is like a beautifully constructed french brassiere... it is as functional as it is beautiful. After all, if you are going to wear it everyday, shouldn't it look and feel marvelous?!
P.S. I LOVE vintage costume jewelry... incase anyone is wondering what to get me for Christmas. Wink, wink...

5.) What do you think makes a great handbag?

A strong, striking, beautiful shape made from the finest materials available. I don't want to carry a bag that looks or feels like corners have been cut. The lining must be an organizational wonder. I don't like to carry a wallet so my linings do all of the work of a wallet (pockets for I.D., credit cards, phone, glasses, ipad, key fob, etc...) with none of the fuss!

Here are some of my faves from her shop:

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The Amelia Handbag

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The Bettie Handbag

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The Barracuda Briefcase

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The Schoolboy Tote

Vania is going to give one lucky winner this ah-some handbag from her collection:

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The Jane Pocket Purse

Honestly, how cute is this bag? I wish I could win it!!

***This Giveaway is Open to US Residents only!***

How to enter:
[Please one comment]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2.) Visit the Kortes Handbags Shop and tell us your fave item(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2.) Become a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3.) Become a follower of Kortes Handbags via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so Vania can find you!)

4.) Mention this giveaway on your blog and/or facebook page (Don't forget to leave a link to your post!).

5.) Add the Kortes Handbags Shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.

**MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

The Giveaway will be open until Tuesday, December 7th at 8:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by random.org

**Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

***For those of you that adore these handbags and want to purchase one, head on over to the shop for a 10% OFF DISCOUNT off your entire purchase!! Just type "BELLEDECOUTURE" when you check out! :) ***



  1. I follow your blog via BlogLovin & I love the Schoolboy Tote! Awesome bag!

    [email protected]

  2. I just liked your page on Facebook! Laura Tomlinson

    [email protected]

  3. Lastly! I added Kortes Handbags Shop to my favorites on etsy!

    Laura1987lou : ]

    [email protected]

  4. why us only?:( so unfair!


  5. Wow! Gorgeous bags! I follow your blog on Google and LOVE the Bettie Handbag! I am going over to Etsy now to add this store to my favorites.

    [email protected]

  6. Following via Bloglovin'... my favorite is the Barracuda Briefcase! But I would be excited to win this adorable pocket purse!


  7. Wowww this Etsy shop is great! I am a follower via Google and I love the Lily handbag. The leather is so gorgeous! XO Jill

    [email protected]

  8. I am also a FB follower of Belle de Couture. My FB name is Jill Turner.

  9. I just "liked" Kortes Handbags on FB too! :)

  10. Finally, I just added Kortes as an Etsy favorite. XO Jill

    [email protected]

  11. Hey Belle De Couture fashion addicts! For a limited time Kortes Handbags is offering an exclusive DISCOUNT for YOU! Just enter "BELLDECOUTURE" at checkout to receive 10% OFF your ENTIRE PURCHASE.
    Kortes Handbags

  12. GFC
    I like The Lily Handbag
    susanerios at hotmail.com

  13. I'm a follower :)
    I like the Schoolboy Tote.


    lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

  14. Following with Bloglovin and I like the Barracuda Briefcase--super hip!
    Thanks! foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com

  15. Added CH to my Etsy faves (oonamoon)
    Thanks! foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com

  16. I'm following via GFC, and I adore the black belt handbag!

    marija.majerle at gmail dot com

  17. I added to my etsy favorites- username bokononist

    marija.majerle at gmail dot com

  18. I follow via GFC and my favorite is the Schoolboy tote!

    CrystalW07 at aol.com

  19. Following with google
    my favorite thing is the The Swayze Tote
    email: megfaye721[at]att[dot]net

  20. following with bloglovin.

    my favorite item is the The Jane Pocket Purse Collection Brown Pebbled Leather Clutch/Wallet as well as the The Schoolboy Tote (recycled brown leather handbag/satchel/shoulder bag)

    email: [email protected]

  21. I absolutely love the Swayze Tote! It looks like it holds a lot and I love the color!!

  22. I am following Belle de Couture on facebook!!
    [email protected]

  23. Following Kortes handbags on facebook!
    Ashley Howser :)
    [email protected]

  24. I added Kortes Handbags to my favorites on etsy!

    [email protected]

  25. What a gorgeous giveaway. I'm a follower via gfc. My favorite item in the shop is the Schoolboy Tote! Thanks for hosting this.

    - JoAnn

  26. i follow via gfc and i love the The Bettie Handbag (Plum Crazy Ultra Suede) Vintage Inspired!

    [email protected]

  27. follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (vittoria v.)

    [email protected]

  28. follower of Kortes Handbags via facebook (vittoria v.)

    [email protected]

  29. blogged: http://tiam0.blogspot.com/2010/12/its-holiday-season.html

    [email protected]

  30. added the Kortes Handbags Shop to my favorites @ColumbusCitizens

    [email protected]

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I am a new google follower :)
    Amazing bags! I love The Schoolboy Tote.

    jennstempleillustration (a) gmail.com

  33. love, love, love the jane pocket purse! I am now a follower with my google account. Mandi

  34. I love: http://www.etsy.com/listing/63069507/the-barracuda-briefcase-recycled

    I'm having a giveaway too: www.indcfashion.com

  35. google follower and LOVE the Jane pocket purse!!!

    [email protected]

  36. both blog lovin and google follower

  37. i love the The Barracuda Briefcase (Recycled Black Leather and Silk/Wool Tweed Laptop Bag)
    following you via blog lovin'

    katmckid at aol dot com

  38. following you via gfc

    katmckid at aol dot com

  39. following you on fb as kate mcp

    katmckid at aol dot com

  40. lked kortes on facebook as kate mcp

    katmckid at aol dot com

  41. added her shop to my favs as ktmcp

    katmckid at aol dot com

  42. Followed on FB Court ney Whit ney Bre ban
    [email protected]

  43. Follow with Google Friend Connect
    My fave is the school boy tote. SO cute.


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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