Monday, January 31, 2011

Cranberry Suede.

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blouse/suede skirt/bag/cuff, vintage
tights, Target
heels, Jessica Simpson
watch, Michael Kors
necklace, Dollar Store
rings, F21 & etsy

Hey dahhlings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine rocked! We had some friends come in town PLUS it was Gasparilla weekend in Tampa Bay, so we had a blast!

The moment I found this skirt at thrift store, I couldn't wait to wear it. My obsession with this skirt stemmed from the moment I saw Carolina Engman wearing a similar vintage version. It was love at first sight. It was engraved in my brain and from then on I was on the hunt for my own. A few days after I saw her post, the vintage God's must have been listening to my prayers bc I came across my very own at a local thrift store. I was ecstatic. Not only because it mimicked Carolina's skirt so well, but it only cost me $4! I mean, $4 for a mah-jor skirt that's also suede? Can't beat it! ;)

Stay tuned for some ahmazzzzing giveaways coming your way THIS WEEK! Don't forget to follow me on Blog Lovin' so you won't miss out! ;)
Follow Belle de Couture


  1. 4 dollars!!?!? genius. and those rings. omg. they are ah-mazing.
    the only slightly offensive sag award review...

  2. Ahh Jen this is so great! I am totally drooling for those shoes and i love your hair curly! This look is so chic- and I cannot believe this skirt was so cheap! So jealous!!

    xox, Devon Rachel

  3. I swear, you turn up some of the best thrift finds ever! And what an amazing color it is. Have a good week girl! :)

  4. that skirt is awesome, but i LOVE your top. you look great. the colors are lovely! =)

  5. Oh those Jessica Simpson heels. I love them so much!


  6. Love the whole combnination(L)
    your really stunning!
    youve got the most great hair(L)

    xo model from holland

    new post Online,Come check it out
    everyday a new post

  7. Yeahhh nice skirt!! :)


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