Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thief & Bandit Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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I'm stoked to introduce to ya'll this killer etsy shop, Thief & Bandit.
It's a unique clothing and accessories shop that specializes in pieces that are created out of soft jersey fabric. What really made me a fan of this shop is the navajo feel of each and every item {we all know how obsessed I am with anything navajo}.

Q&A w/ Amie the shop owner:

1.) Tell us a little about the Thief and Bandit etsy shop.

I started the shop back in October of 2009 and luckily word spread rather quickly and some fashion blogs featured my stuff.
I was super excited to be a featured seller in May 2010 and business has been great ever since. I love Etsy so much and am very happy to be part of such an amazing community.

2.) There aren't many jewelry designers out there that use a jersey knit as their medium. What compelled you to use jersey to create your pieces?

It started by accident, actually. Thief&Bandit began back in 2008 when I started printed t shirts out of my art studio sort of as an experiment. I ended up with a bunch of mis-printed shirts and was pretty bummed because it seemed like a waste. A friend suggested shredding them and making jewelry. It was a ‘a-ha!’ moment for sure.

3.) Your shop is filled with aztec/navajo-esque pieces (which is an obsession of mine!), does this trend reflect your own personal style? Why are you drawn to this trend?

I grew up all over Canada, but as a small child we lived in British Columbia and I was always inspired by the First Nations culture. Moving to Virginia, I started looking at Native American drawings and patterns and am infinitely inspired! It’s funny because I recently discovered that my great grandfather was I guess it’s in my blood.

>4.) What type of guy or girl do you envision wearing your pieces?

I see so many people wearing Thief&Bandit. Just over the holidays, a lady bought the Poppy Maze fabric necklace for her 90 year old mother! That was so awesome. When I’m designing I think of my interns actually. Super smart, cute sculpture/fashion students. They dress casual but with a unique sense of style.

5. What is your favorite piece in your shop?

My favorite is the Piece Braid necklace because it's super versatile and you can layer it with a bunch of necklaces or wear it as a bracelet. I'm also very excited about the new gold feather headbandand bracelet.

6. In addition to the navajo trend, what is another trend you're fond of?

I’ve always been inspired by Christian iconography and I actually am working on a line that incorporates patterns found within churches. I’ve seen a little bit of this lately but I want to do it in a more subtle, classic way.

7. What's your own personal style like?

Honestly, I dress pretty casual but I love patterns so I always mix it up with bold graphics. Skinny jeans, desert boots, a chunky sweater and a graphic scarf or necklace is pretty much my uniform.

Here are my FAVE pieces from the Thief & Bandit etsy shop:

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Feather Leather Headband in Brown

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Ceremony Necklace in Red, Black and White

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Giant Maze Fabric Necklace in Blue Pink and Green
{Featured on the Today Show }

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Navajo Scarf in Mint and Yellow Ochre

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Ceremony Necklace in Mint and Hot Pink

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Printed Navajo Scarf in Black and White

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Double Tassel Suede Flip Necklace in Bright Blue and Sienna Suede

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Super Long Snake Skin Necklace in Black, White and Gold

Amie is offering one lucky reader the choice of one of her awesome bracelets from her shop!

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***This Giveaway is Open to US Readers & International Readers!***

How to enter:
[Please one comment]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' (please state how you are following in your comment).

2.) Visit the Thief & Bandit shop and tell us your fave item(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2.) Become a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3.) Mention this giveaway on your blog and/or facebook page (Don't forget to leave a link to your post!).

4.) Add the Thief & Bandits etsy shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.

**MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

The Giveaway will be open until Thursday, January 20th at 6:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by

**Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**



  1. woohooo I love this shop!! I'm obvi a follower, have been for awhile ;) via GFC. my fave item is
    the Giant Maze Fabric Necklace in Blue Pink and Green- there is a reason it was featured on the today show!!

    xo Carlina
    [email protected]

  2. Lovely interview, and I absolutely love these pieces!! Totally following, and am already of follower of yours.

    Happy Friday!


  3. GFC follower (Mallory)

    I love this bracelet

    Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

  4. GFC/BL follower

    Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

  5. Hearted on Etsy

    Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

  6. I'm a follower :)

    I love the Braided Headband in Blue & Black.

    lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

  7. Hand Printed Snakeskin Cuff in Black Gold!
    susanerios at
    blog follower via gfc

  8. I love her Tassel earrings in Blue and printed Black suede. Following you on gfc as jhb.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  9. hearted this etsy shop (jhbalvin)
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  10. following belledecouture on gfc and bloglovin
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  11. love the necklasses(L)

    love this blog!
    i keep saying it!

    XOXO model from holland
    im a newbie so come check me out
    new post everyday!

  12. i am a follower. :)

    my fave items are the headbands and that tassel necklace is so pretty!

    <3, Mimi

  13. I love the multipop braded fabric necklace. How fun and colorful! I already follow via bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  14. I'm a follower via google reader!
    emily8463 at gmail dot com

  15. My favorite item is the navajo scarf in mint and yellow --- gorgeous!!

  16. I'm a follower via GFC! My favorite item is that triple feather bracelet - it's beautiful and would look lovely with summer clothes!

    jessicahamm at gmail dot com

  17. I am a follower via google reader and my favorite item, although I do love a lot of them is the Giant Maze Fabric Necklace in Blue Pink and Green

  18. Added to my favorite in the etsy shop ([email protected]) - Same for all other LuLu posts, sorry forgot to add my email1

  19. love love loving this gevaway! if i win i want the Braided Fabric Bracelet in Rust and Green.

    [email protected]

  20. I love the yellow tassel earrings! So adorableee

  21. This type of necklace is wonderful!
    following you via bloglovin

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  22. following also via gfc, my email is aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  23. aaand via facebook, my name is arianna viaggi! email aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  24. I added the shop to my favorites, i'm ariannaviaggi :)

    aryary91 (at) hotmail (dot) it

  25. The bracelets are super cute especially the patterns bracelet!
    [email protected]

  26. I added Thief and Bandit to my etsy favorites!
    [email protected]


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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