Monday, March 21, 2011

Kyle Anne Metals Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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Hey darlings! It's giveaway time! This giveaway is sponsored by the Kyle Anne Metals shop on

Q&A w/ Kyle Anne

1.) Please tell us a little about Kyle Anne Metals etsy shop.

I started my etsy shop a little over two years ago. I was working as a silver and goldsmith for a cloisonne enamelist in Georgia, where I am from. I heard about etsy from a friend and decided I wanted to start my own shop.

2.) What inspires you to create your pieces?

Modernism and the Art Deco movement have always been a huge source of inspiration for me. I really like simple modern designs, and most of my work is really centered around the stone. I use the metal as a way to elegantly showcase the stones in a very simple way. In a way I see my work as creating a frame around an amazing piece of art. It should emphasize the piece, and not distract from its natural beauty.

3.) I read in your etsy profile that you are a formally trained goldsmith and enamelist and you have been making jewelry for over 11 years! Have you always known that you were going to be jewelry designer/creator?

I took my first silversmithing class when I was 16, as soon as I picked up the torch I know that this was what I wanted to do! I did go through a few years of art school but left school when I was offered an amazing apprenticeship. I worked one on one with the cloisonne enamelist, Ricky Frank, and his amazingly talented goldsmith for almost four years, until I decided to branch out on my own.

4.) Your shop consists mostly of gorgeous rings, and less of necklaces and earrings. Would you say rings are your favorite fashion accessory?

Honestly I just really like making rings! I actually started my shop selling mostly earrings and necklaces, but once I started making rings the orders started pouring in so I went with it. The only jewelry I personally wear everyday is 3 thin gold bands on my thumb, one pink, one yellow, and one white.

5.) What type of girl do you envision wearing your jewlery?

I think one of the reasons my shop has been so successful is that my rings are very versatile. I guess I would have to say that I use myself as the person I have in mind when I am designing. If I wouldnt wear a certain ring, once I make the sample, 99% of the time I wont list it!

6.) What is your fave piece in your shop and which piece is your best seller?

For my favorite I would have to say the Definition Of Elegance I can be as grungy and grimy as possible after a day at the studio, but I put that bad boy on and it is like automatic elegance! For my best seller, I would have to say either the simple facets in gold series or the twist bands in gold. They make the perfect little stacking rings and quite a few of my customers have purchased them as wedding bands.

Some of my FAVES from the shop:

Rose Cut Blue Pear Diamond Bloom- One Of A Kind {ON SALE}

Golden Cornflower Twist

Labradorite Twist - Limited Edition

Rose Cut Light Pink Spinel - One Of A Kind

London Blue in Gold

Springtime In Bloom Stack

**One lucky winner will win a $75 store credit to the Kyle Anne Metals shop!**
All followers of Belle de Couture can use this discount code towards any purchase:

***This Giveaway is Open to US Residents Only!!***

How to enter:
[Please one comment]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin'.

2.) Visit the Kyle Anne Metals etsy shop and tell us your fave item(s) in your comment.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google.

2.) Become a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3.) Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter!

4.) Mention this giveaway on your blog and/or facebook page (Don't forget to leave a link to your post!).

5.) Add the Kyle Anne Metals etsy shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.

**MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

The Giveaway will be open until , Monday March 28th at 7:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by



  1. I love the london blue in gold rich and yet so simple!

  2. also just added you on facebook: lacy cooper (really want some of kyle's rings on my fingers!!)

  3. just also followed you on twitter: lacyjanec (can you tell I am obsessed?!!)

  4. Also added Kyle as a favorite on Etsy!

  5. I adore the black onyx twist ring!

    [email protected]

  6. I follow you via Bloglovin' and GFC

    [email protected]

  7. Liked on FB as Allison Berta McClure

    [email protected]

  8. Following on Twitter as @allisonbmcclure

    [email protected]

  9. I love all the styles. My favorite are the golden aquamarine facets and the rose cut black diamond. I'm following you on bloglivin'
    [email protected]

  10. I'm definitely going to have to purchase some rings and I'm following you on Facebook (Lori ortiz garcia)
    [email protected]

  11. I love the Labadorite Twist Ring! So beautiful!

    alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

  12. I follow via Bloglovin' and google!

    alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

  13. I'm a follower of Belle de Couture on Facebook!

    Alexandra D.

    alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

  14. I "heart" Kyle Anne Metals on Etsy!

    Etsy ID: lexacd

    alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

  15. My favorite piece by Kyle right now is the blue diamond pear bloom. Also, any of the pink stone rings.

    Following you on Blog Lovin' and Google.

  16. Following you on FB as Leigh McGlasson

    Email: [email protected]

  17. Following you on Twitter as leigh2550

  18. I've posted a link to you on my FB wall. (can't get link to post here). Its at Leigh McGlasson.

    I've had Kyle added to my favorites for some time. I'm leighmc on Etsy.

  19. I like the simple blue diamond bloom!

    I follow through GFC: Melanie

    facebook: Melanie Matos

    email: [email protected]

  20. Kyle Anne has such beautiful designs! I love all her work, but I must say the mysterious depths of the blue diamonds have captured my heart! The rose cut shimmers so... <3 <3 <3

  21. I liked Belle de Couture on Facebook!

  22. I LOVE this artist and have followed the work on esty for quite awhile - my faves are the black diamond and gold rings, especially the rose cut one! Beautiful!
    [email protected]

  23. I posted the giveaway to facebook - sooooo excited!
    Sarah Armstrong (or find me via my email addy [email protected])

  24. I am now officially a follower of BelledeCouture on facebook - so excited to have discovered your blog!
    Sarah Armstrong ([email protected])

  25. Kyle Ann Metals is a new favorite of my shop, SarahBethMakesThings, on
    Thanks for doing this giveaway! I love supporting such great work!

  26. Blog Lovin' follower and I love the Rose Cut Green Tourmaline ring and Rose Cut Blue Pear Diamond Bloom.

    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  27. I'm a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin' AND Google (pink sade).
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  28. I'm a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (Pinky Sade)
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  29. I Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter @pinksade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  30. Wow these rings are amazing! I love the golden moonstone ring! So gorg!
    [email protected]

  31. I follow via Bloglovin.

    kiddomsg at gmail dot com

  32. I love the Golden Faceted Amethyst Birch.

    kiddomsg at gmail dot com

  33. following on blog lovin and my fave ring is:
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  34. and also following via gfc as jhb
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  35. following on twitter as jhitomi
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  36. I like the blue diamond pear bloom and follow you.
    Thanks, Karen
    lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

  37. I'm a follower! I love Golden Cornflower Twist!

    XO Jill

    [email protected]

  38. Following your blog with GFC and bloglovin

  39. Added Kyle Anne to my favourite shops on etsy (username fsl324)
    [email protected]

  40. There are so many pretty things in this shop :) I think my favorite however is the simple facet ring. I have tiny fingers and would love a simple subtle ring.

    I of course follow your amazing blog :)

    [email protected]

  41. i am a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin'
    and i really like the Springtime In Bloom Stack!
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  42. i follow on gfc too (memoma)
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  43. i like you on facebook (meredith montgomery)
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  44. i follow you on twitter @mermont84
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  45. i shared this on facebook
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  46. i added Kyle Anne Metals etsy shop to my favorites (memoma)
    mermont84 at yahoo dot com

  47. I'm a follower! I love the Simple Blue Diamond Bloom ring!


    cambridgechic (at) gmail (dot) com

  48. I'm a new follower on Blog Luvin' fact, I may have to go back and make sure I'm a public follower (hopefully I get it figured out quickly).

    My favorite item in the shop is the Rose Cut Black Diamond In Pink- One Of A Kind.

    I really like black diamonds and now that I've seen the pink metal, I love that too!!

    2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

  49. gfc public follower - pinklady705

    2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

  50. I like/fan Belle de Couture on facebook - Lorrie R

    2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

  51. following Belle de Couture on twitter - @pinklady705

    2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

  52. I added Kyle Anne Metals etsy shop to my favorites - pinklady705

    2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

  53. i think the Black Onyx Ring is pretty!
    blog follower(ginger)
    cyclona66 at aol dot com

  54. the golden peridot ring is perfect!
    by the way, disabling the right click makes entering really difficult!

    and i follow you on blog lovin though i've forgotten my un at the moment.
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  55. i also follow you on gfc
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  56. i am a fb fan of yours stacy lynn b h
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  57. i follow you on twitter @organicmommyluv
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  58. i heart her shop staycelyne
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  59. I follow you on blog lovin', and I like the
    Pure 2 In White ring.


  60. I follow via GFC & BlogLovin

    anniedee09 gmail

  61. I follow Belle de Couture on Twitter ~ anniedee83

  62. love the sweet pink sapphire bloom ring
    follow gfc publicly
    [email protected]

  63. love the rose cut black pear diamond bloom. [email protected]

  64. I follow on bloglovin! My favorite has to be the Golden Cornflower Twist ring - I love mixing metals and rings in any shades of blue. So pretty!

    - Kaye
    [email protected]

  65. I am also a follow on blogger/google friend connect (this account - Kaye/It's My Birthday)

    - Kaye
    [email protected]

  66. ...I follow on Twitter (kayerey)

    - Kaye
    [email protected]

  67. I am a facebook fan as well (Kaye Reylado) (:

    - Kaye
    [email protected]

  68. and finally, I faved Kyle Anne Metals on etsy (if you'd like to verify, my username is riceandcandy)

    Thank you both! Definitely going to be taking advantage of the 10% off soon (:

    - Kaye
    [email protected]

  69. I follow you on bloglovin. Not sure if it goes by blog name or email, so I'm A SAHM Looking for a Deal and coriwestphal at msn dot com.

    I like the White Gold Twist- 14k band!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  70. I'm a Google Friend (follower): Cori Westphal

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  71. I like you on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  72. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  73. I faved on Etsy: coriwestphal

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  74. My favorite item is the 'White Gold Twist' ring @
    Subscribed via Bloglovin'.

  75. I a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin'
    patis2 at msn dot com

  76. and im a follower of GFC... I like the london blue in gold ring
    patis2 at msn dot com

  77. i follow on twitter @patis2000
    patis2 at msn dot com

  78. im a a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook
    (patrick joseph)
    patis2 at msn dot com

  79. I shared this post on facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=149865868410151&id=100001906828772
    patis2 at msn dot com

  80. Right now, I LOVE Kyle Anne's rose cut yellow green sapphire ring. Her work is amazing! Thanks for the contest . . . [email protected]

  81. Golden Moonstone Facets is my favorite, also I'm a follower - maz


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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