Monday, May 16, 2011

LuLuCherie Giveaway! {CLOSED}

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Hey lovelies! I have another giveaway for you! :) Get to know the LuLuCherie etsy shop. It's an ah-some shop based in the UK that is filled with fabulous vintage finds collected from some of the best flea markets in the world.

Here's a little Q&A w/ the owner of the shop:

1,) Tell us a little about the LuLuCherie shop.

I love fashion, shopping and vintage clothing, and it all started off when I went to vintage markets to hand select a few key pieces and started to style it myself and listed it online. It grew from there, and I started to include a more variety of things on my shop; such as hand-made jewelery and accessories.

2.) What is your absolute fave style?

Of course I love vintage clothing. It's so fun as you never know what you will end up with when you go to vintage thrift stores. Every piece is unique so you have to dig around hard; it's almost like treasure hunting!

3.) You also have a blog, What kind of stuff can we find when we visit your blog?

On my it is mainly about fashion, and key images that interests me. It is just a little space for me to keep my inspiration, where I can share with others. I will also try and include some of my daily outfits.

4.) How long have you been blogging, and how long have you had your online shop?

I only just started blogging in March 2010, so I'm still pretty new. My webshop only a couple of months older than my blog.

5.) What inspires you?

The diverse range of cultures I come across when I visit different places and countries. I love meeting new people, and learning about their cultural background and history really inspire me and gives me a deeper insight on not just fashion itself.

6.) What are your top three fave designers?

Hussein Chalayan - Not very wearable, but I love his work. He cleverly combines fashion with technology: a true fashion genius and very inspirational to me.
Alexander McQueen - Another fashion genius. Love his work and runway shows. The fashion industry has lost a really great designer.
Alexander Wang - I love his wearable pieces, his pieces tends to have a rock edge to it.

7.) What is your fave trend of the moment?

At the moment I'm really into the 70s; big round woodstock sunnies, with flared lace trousers, big wide palazzo pants. To sum it up it will be the hippy bohemian look.

8.) What is your fave item in your shop at the moment?

The "Slave web chain bracelet ring" is one of my favourites from my shop. It is hand-made by me. The design really goes well with many stuff.

9.) You mention in your etsy profile that your clothing collection comes from your visits to vintage markets. Out of all the markets you've been to, which is your all-time fave?

This is a tough one but if I had to pick one, it would be Camden Market. I love the diverse mix of people you see there, and the whole vibe too. Beyond Retro is one of my favourite vintage stores.

10.) If you had to persuade a person to try out vintage shopping for the first time, what would you say?

Be daring and confident. Look for key details in a piece that is unique, then mix and match it with other pieces.

Some of my faves from the shop are:

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Vintage Red Tassle gold antique buckle belt

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Turquoise stone silver snake chain necklace

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Feather earrings - Light blue pattern

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Crochet cream top.

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Vintage Tiger print knit Tank top

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Vintage Fuchsia orange with detail top

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Vintage Stripey with Bicycle and Medallion Print Shirt

One lucky follower will win this rad finger harness:

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Antique Finger harness Slave web chain Cage Connector bracelet ring

***This Giveaway is Open to US and International followers!!***

How to enter:
[Please one comment]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Blog Lovin'.

2.) Visit the LuLuCherie etsy shop and tell us your fave item(s) in your comment.

3.) Become a public follower of theLuLuCherie blog via google or blog lovin'.

Additional Entries
[please leave a separate comment for each additional entry]

1.) Become a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google friend connect.

2.) Become a follower of BelledeCouture via facebook (Don't forget to state your FB name in your comment so I can find you!)

3.) Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter!

4.) Mention this giveaway on your blog, facebook, or twitter (Don't forget to leave a link to your post/tweet!).

5.) Add the LuLuCherie etsy shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.

6.) Follow LuLuCherie on Facebook.

**MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don't forget to leave your E-MAIL address in your comment(s), so we can contact you if you win!!**

The Giveaway will be open until , Monday May 23rd at 7:00 PM eastern time.
The winner will be chosen at random by



  1. I love Loose black dress with rope belt.

    I'm following Belle de Couture via Blog lovin'

    And I'm also following theLuluCherie via google and blog lovin'

    [email protected]

  2. I'm following Belle de Couture via Google friend connect..

    [email protected]

  3. Liked on facebook..
    My facebook : Shanti Pranadi
    [email protected]

  4. Following on Twitter
    my twiter : @ShantiPranadi
    [email protected]

  5. Liked LuluCherie on facebook
    my facebook : Shanti Pranadi
    [email protected]

  6. My tweet :!/ShantiPranadi/status/70355055479492610

    [email protected]

  7. Wauw, what a nice give away :) I follow you!

    email: [email protected]

  8. I'm a public follower of Belle de Couture via Google friend connect

    [email protected]

  9. oh sorry my favorite items :

    and of course this lovely harness

    I'm follower of BelledeCouture via facebook
    as Iga Kucharska

  10. I love learning more about Etsy shop owners. They are some of the nicest, most talented people I have seen.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  11. Following LuLuCherie via Goolge Friend Connect. My fave item is the Metal body harness hoop brown cage bondage belt.

  12. Following your blog via Google Friend Connect.

  13. Following you via FB (Charee Hall aka Charee Lenee')

  14. Following you via Twitter (@chareelenee)

  15. I follow LuLuCherie on FB!

    P.S. my email is: info @ chareelenee dot com

  16. Hi!

    - I am a current Bloglovin' follower under: SAUCY | f | BABY

    - My fave item from LuluCherie is the Antique Finger Harness Slave Chain Connector Long Siamese Double Ring.

    - I am now following LuluCherie via GFC under: SAUCY | f. | BABY


    xo Nicole

  17. I am currently following your blog via GFC under: SAUCY | f. | BABY


    xo Nicole

  18. I am a current fan of Belle De Couture on Facebook under: Nicole Ordonez


    xo Nicole

  19. I added LuluCherie's shop to my faves on Etsy under: saucyfbaby


    xo Nicole

  20. I just liked LuluCherie on Facebook under: Nicole Ordonez


    xo Nicole

  21. Raijean...

    I follow LuLu Cherie as well as Bell De Couture


  22. ok, i already follow you on google connect and twitter (@indelectalt)! i just became a fan on facebook (danielle audain). i liked lulucherie on facebook and became a follower on google connect. i'm now following you on bloglovin! became a follower of lulucherie on twitter. AND my favorite item in lulucherie's etsy shop is the ripped effect dyed leggings! they're crazy!


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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