Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cognac & Butterflies.

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{dress: thrifted Nanette Lepore; ankle boots: Old Navy; bag: Nieman Marcus; necklace & bracelet c/o KALEE}

I instantly fell in love with this Nanette Lepore dress that I snagged while thrifting a few months ago. It wasn't my size, so I brought it to my alterations shop and voila! It fits me like a glove! I am obsessed w/ the colors... so perfect for fall. Nanette Lepore always has the most unique colors and patterns... so eye catching! I picked up this leather jacket a week ago (for under $10 btw. Swoon!) and I knew it would go so well with this dress. The colors jive perfectly, don't you think?

*Hope ya'll are having a great week so far! Don't forget to check out the Chain Gang's latest vintage swap giveaway HERE! Also, stay tuned for another great giveaway this week! xo!


  1. you by far win the "most colorful wardrobe" award. your necklace is the cat's meow. :)

  2. Wonderful, i love it all, the colors in this r gorgeous!

  3. OMG!!! One of your best outfits so far! All the colors suit you and the dress is amazing :)

  4. I LOVE the print on the dress....Im a HUGE fan of LN:)
    So nice to see you!! Hope you have been well!

    Statements In Fashion: A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  5. LOVE those boots, especially with this look! Great color palette doll, perfect for fall :)

    xoXO-Kelli K

  6. This is an insanely gorgeous look lady! And you are right...Those booties are totally fab!

  7. That is an absolutely GORGEOUS dress, love the colors!! It is always so exciting when you find a great vintage piece, but I love that you took it to get altered...now it fits you like a glove! That jacket is beautiful too, and I love the booties...all of the colors look amazing together, love!
    xo Cara

  8. Fall perfection! You look like you just stepped out of an autumn campaign with that cognac colored ensemble! Perfect paired, right down to those gorgeous booties! Beautiful babe, a total HIT!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  9. Perfect Fall outfit- I love everything about it. What a great deal you got on that jacket!!!

  10. that jacket was under $10? Such a score! Looking gorge as usual xoxo

  11. Love it! So fall! And bravo on tailoring something you like to fit like a glove! That's all it takes! Love the necklace too. xx

  12. Color me inspired! I have an almost identical jacket I snagged at Goodwill and now I need a suitable print dress for it!

  13. That orange leather jacket is something seriously special! And the dress? You seriously always have the best thrift finds. Keep at it lady!

  14. You have the best vintage clothes hands down and it totally suits you.

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