Thursday, December 15, 2011

INFINITY by MarinaFINI Giveaway!! {CLOSED}


I couldn't wait to share this fabulous etsy shop with all of ya'll. INFINITY by MarinaFINI is an etsy shop filled with jewelry created with crystals and gorgeous stones. The cuffs and the collars are to die for! Each piece is eye-catching and is sure to be a conversation starter.

Q&A with Marina Fini

1.) Please tell us a little about the MarinaFINI etsy shop.

The store ultimately showcases my art in full throttle, all the images you see are my own personal film/styling work, so it really means a lot to me when someone has something good to say about my shop.

But It all started one day when I wanted to sell my clothes from past photo shoots that I photographed/styled for. I sold a few pieces of clothes here and there on etsy and never thought of becoming a jewelry maker or designer until I saw these crystals that changed my life forever. I saw some jewelry by a few designers with crystals and told myself...Hey, i can do that too.. but remixed better!

So I researched for hours, trying to figure out the best way to make something both unique, affordable but most importantly with well made materials. I did a lot of tests, figuring out the most efficient and secure way to attach my materials together, that would be both functional and creative. After having a few sell on etsy with ++ feedback, I decided to go to the next level and got a deal with Planet Blue almost a year ago. Since then, I have been blessed with many business opportunities and exposure into what I love.

2.) How long have you been creating your jewelry?

For about a year and a half, but I have been a jewelry/accessory fiend ever since I can remember. I wanted to embody what I love about the earth, specifically rocks due to my love of rock climbing and having a connection with mother nature. I am a collector of holograms and color changing pieces, so when I discovered these crystals I decided to combine my two loves together. I am a self taught designer, who is emphasizing in Film Production and costume design in college right now and decided to embark on a journey to create a little side business to be a bit more independent. Well the side business has turned into something I never expected and my pieces are now showcased all over the world. I honestly never thought it would turn into anything more than just a small etsy store; most recently I found out the pyramid rings will be showcased and available in the Free People February catalog coming up!

3.) I see that you believe in recycling, have you always been so eco-friendly?

Well I stopped eating red meat when i was in 6th grade, so I guess you could say I had an eco friendly mind set at a young age. I am 22 now and have become very aware of our global and economic down turn. So as a fashion obsessed person I really try to buy things are either fair trade, hand made or used. I think the fashion industry could have a huge turn around if people were more aware of where their clothing came from. I am a huge advocate for fair wages for constructing garments because I know how hard it is to make clothing. That is why I started a business on etsy because I love being apart of a community who thrives off of creating for themselves.

4.) Your pieces are absolutely stunning and very eye-catching... what type of girl or guy do you have in mind when creating your pieces?

I honestly don't target what I create to a certain type of person or audience. I have found that my work can compliment a plethora of styles, all shapes and sizes of people, that are all over the spectrum. The only thing I really try to do, is gear my creations to people who understand the power that is held with what there buying, for example, when someone is looking at my work in person, I tell them to be true to themselves, the crystal that calls to them is a distinct attraction that needs to be mutual, because they hold energy from inside the earth and need to be treasured.

5.) What inspires you when designing your pieces?

I have always had a fascination with african tribes, native american culture, egyptian hieroglyphs and Hinduism, so I stem a lot of inspiration from these amazing cultures and their belief systems. Having traveled a lot when I was younger, I was exposed to a ton of different types of worlds, art and historical monuments in Europe and Israel. This created a gateway into opening my mind to mixing visual elements and mediums together, to come up with what I own stylistically now.

6.) Which item is currently your fave in your shop?

My current fave in the shop is what I call rainbow armor: the neck cuffs and bracelets! They mix a sense of tribalistic future -space- traveler couture that could make someone feel like they could be a warrior princess.

rainbow armor1
Rainbow Armor Gold Neck Cuff Collar

rainbow armor2
Titanium Rainbow Quartz Cluster Cuff Armor

7.) How would you describe your own personal style?

Futuristic MOD Goth... I mix several different aesthetics from history to fuse a visual style that envelopes how i see and feel about the world. Some days i dress in all black with my rainbow quartz neck cuff or ring to make them stand out and other times I will be a rainbow; i really enjoy the contrast of black and rainbow in my wardrobe. Other times I can be monochromatic in my attire, I really love playing around with different concepts when i paint myself others with my clothes.

I get a ton of inspiration from the Mod futuristic era, gothic Renaissance & Victorian, punk and bondage attire as well as the Elizabethan era. I really love drawing from periods that specifically have a huge influence on the evolution of clothing and culture. You can check out my costume/styling work on my fbook page as well to get a feel on my vision!




8.) Any tips on accessorizing with your pieces?

I would say anything works, coming from someone who can go from wearing a ton of hyper neon colors to being a gothic toned dresser, I feel my jewelry can compliment many different styles and aesthetics. But for the new collection of rainbow armor: the neck cuffs and bracelets, I would suggest wearing maxi dresses or flowy fabrics that can make the jewelry stand out. The bolo ties are great with a collared shirt of any kind, its the celestial futuristic cowboy style.

The rings can go with anything, most importantly though, they are a way to protect yourself, not just spiritually speaking; meaning, if your walking home by yourself and someone tries to mess with your physical well being, you have this massive stone on your hand to fight back with. I call it natural crystal weaponry. I really like to empower the people who buy my pieces, giving them a sense of individuality through the earth that cannot be replicated.

9.) If you had to leave the house in a hurry and could only wear one item of jewelry, which item would you choose?

Probably just a ring, because wearing one alone is just enough flare to add to any outfit and a definite eye catcher. I am so used to wearing rings that I feel naked when I don't wear at least one. Clients always tell me that any time they were their crystal ring people ask in excitement and awe... what is that?! People aren't used to seeing raw untouched crystals just slapped onto a hand, everything is usually tumbled down so it is soft and small, but for me I love making jewelry the bigger the better!

10.) Who are your fave jewerly designers?

Trillery - one of my best friends, Suggie, creates such amazing and detailed metal jewelry that is derived from recycled materials. My favorite is the ear-lace she makes, which is connecting chain from ear to ear; she adds different charms that are either one of a kind or vintage to embellish the unique statement. We are also both stylists, who love to collaborate with each other, you can check out the shoot I photographed with her on my website.

Pamela Love- I love how pamela takes it to the next level in terms of making everything super bold and big! I own one of her large pentagram earrings and it looks like I am wearing gigantic tribal hoops.

Some of my personal faves from the shop: (other than the collar and cuff mentioned above)

Triangle Rainbow Titanium Aura Crystal cluster Bolo

Titanium Gold Cuff Rainbow Armor

HOLOGRAM Cobalt Stud Earrings

Titanium Cobalt Agate Silver Cuff Rainbow Armor

HOLOGRAM RAINBOW Quartz Cluster Ring

HOLOGRAM Aqua RAINBOW Quartz Cluster Ring

This Giveaway is Now Closed!

How to enter the Giveaway:

1.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin'
2.) Check out the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop, and leave a comment below letting me know your fave item(s)!
*Don't forget to leave your e-mail address in your comment!
3.) Like Marina FINI's facebook page HERE!

*Additional Entries*

1.) Follow Belle de Couture via google AND Blog Lovin'
2.) Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter
3.) Like Belle de Couture on Facebook
4.) Add the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop to your favorites in etsy! (*if you have an etsy account)

*Giveaway is open worldwide!*

The giveaway will end on 12/21 at 7:00 PM eastern time, and I will choose the winner via

Good luck! :)


  1. I really like the Hologram Rainbow Quartz Ring. I'm following you on Bloglovin' and I liked the Infinity by MarinaFINI Facebook page.
    [email protected]

  2. OMG Jen! This stuff is beautiful. My fave Titanium Rainbow Quartz Cluster Cuff Armor

  3. I love that Spaceship triangle earrings! Too cute!

    I liked her fb page!

    [email protected]

  4. I love, love the titanium rainbow quartz cluster cuff armor. The color is amazing. It's beautiful!

    I enjoy checking out your blog on bloglovin and seeing what you will be wearing, so much so you are one of my RSS feeds!

    [email protected]

  5. I follow, I liked their FB page and I love the rainbow titanium cluster armor cuff.

    [email protected]

  6. Blog follower! Love the Rainbow Titanium Cluster Armor Cuff! thanks for the opportunity! Meredith dot Targarona at Gmail dot com

  7. That agate silver armor cuff is AMAZING!!! Following gfc, liked on Fb babe!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    ps Giveaway on my blog, enter to win a FREE pair of shoes!!

  8. Also following on BL!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    ps Giveaway on my blog, enter to win a FREE pair of shoes!!

  9. And following on twitter!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    ps Giveaway on my blog, enter to win a FREE pair of shoes!!

  10. I LOVE the Titanium Gold Cuff Rainbow Armor!

    I follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
    I liked Marina FINI's facebook page
    I follow Belle de Couture via google AND Blog Lovin'
    I follow Belle de Couture on Twitter
    I liked Belle de Couture on Facebook
    I added the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop to your favorites in etsy!

    evinelise at gmail dot com

  11. Following belle de couture via google (:
    liked marina FINI's facebook page as may equality shum
    love the amythest pyramid ring!

  12. Follow via both gfc and bloglovin!

  13. already like belle de couture on fb as may equality shum

  14. favorited on etsy! (may shum)

  15. I love all the gold cuffs!
    Following on facebook too!

  16. Following belle de couture on both google and blog lovin~
    [email protected]

  17. Titanium Cobalt Agate Silver Cuff Rainbow Armor
    is just amazing!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

  18. I love the Titanium Quartz Cobalt Gold Cuff Bracelet, it's got sort of a Barbarella meets Jem (pun?) quality to it.

    Email: UnicornSuperhero(at)

  19. I follow you via Bloglovin'.

  20. I like Belle de Couture on Facebook as Lauren Denim Neckbeard McCarthy

  21. I Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter as UnwiseSocrates

  22. I like Marina FINI's facebook page as
    Lauren Denim Neckbeard McCarthy

  23. Added INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop to my favorites as Knitastrophy

    Email: UnicornSuperhero(at)

  24. I follow on gfc

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. 1.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google- Pinky Sade
    2.) I love the Titanium Rainbow Quartz Cluster Cuff Armor and HOLOGRAM Titanium Cobalt Quartz Cluster Ring
    3.) Like Marina FINI's facebook page - Pinky Sade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  26. 1.) Follow Belle de Couture via google AND Blog Lovin'
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  27. 2.) Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter @pinksade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  28. 3.) Like Belle de Couture on Facebook - Pinky Sade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  29. Add the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop to your favorites in etsy! Pinky Sade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  30. My favorite item is Titanium Quartz Cobalt Gold Cuff Bracelet)
    GFC: Lulu
    I also follow you on BlogLovin'
    I liked Marina FINI's facebook page: Olesia Flegka
    I already follow Belle de Couture on Twitter: @LuluFleg
    and already like Belle de Couture on Facebook: Olesia Flegka
    I added MarinaFINI to my favorite shops on Etsy: MelissaLulu


  31. Thank you for the fabulous give-away! My favorite is the Agate Silver Amour Cuff.

    Follow you via bloglovin and now follow Marina FINI's facebook page.

    [email protected]

  32. Already follow Belle de Couture on Twitter via octmoonboutique


  33. LIKE Belle de Couture on Facebook via Hotsy Malone.


  34. INFINITY by Marina FINI is now my favorite on Etsy!


  35. Followed Belle de Couture via Google
    My fave item : titanium colbalt blue quartz cluster with a gold bolo
    Liked Marina FINI's facebook page

    [email protected]

  36. Followed Belle de Couture via google AND Blog Lovin' :)

    [email protected]

  37. Followed Belle de Couture on Twitter (@irdawandira)

    [email protected]

  38. Added the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop to my fav

    [email protected]

  39. Love all the pieces!! my fav is the Hologram Rainbow quartz cluster ring
    GFC follower MoonRae
    Sharon Siqueiros liked MarinaFini on FB


  40. Already following via google and bloglovin'


  41. @SharonSiqueiros already following on twitter


  42. Sharon Siqueiros already "loves" ya on FB


  43. MoonRae hearted INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop


  44. I follow you via bloglovin (

  45. My favourite item is the HOLOGRAM Titanium Cobalt Quartz Cluster Ring

  46. I followed you via gfc (E.) as well as bloglovin

  47. I follow you on twitter (erin_d...)

  48. I hearted marinaFINI's etsy shop (holdmyheart)

  49. I love ALL of it! But my favorites would be:

    ~ Titanium Rainbow Quartz Moondew Earrings

    ~ Rainbow Titanium Cluster Armor Cuff

    ~ Titanium Cobalt Agate Silver Cuff Rainbow Armor

    Thanks! keep on creating!

  50. i'm a huge fan of all of her stuff omg but my favourite would have to be the huge hologram rings!! or the neck cuffs!!! ♡

    i wasn't able to find the marinia fini facebook page though, the link kept redirecting me?? could anyone send it to me again


  52. RESERVED for HardyHerring Blue Titanium Layered Sterling Silver Cuff
    these are all amazing!

  53. smoky spirit quart ring. my brain just exploded. all of her stuff is sooooo rad!
    so, already following you on gfc and twitter and liked you on facebook. i just liked her facebook page, hearted her etsy store. and i'm pretty sure i'm following you on bloglovin, but i'm gonna double check! :)
    [email protected]

  54. Following here, FB and BlogLovin cause I REALLY want to win.
    Amazing jewels!
    [email protected]

  55. PS. The Agate Silver Armour Cuff. Yes, please?!

  56. .) Follow Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' - DONE
    2.) Check out the INFINITY by Marina FINI etsy shop, and leave a comment below letting me know your fave item(s)!:

    3.) Like Marina FINI's facebook page HERE! - DONE

    [email protected]

    *Additional Entries*

    1.) Follow Belle de Couture via google AND Blog Lovin' - DONE
    2.) Follow Belle de Couture on Twitter - DONE
    3.) Like Belle de Couture on Facebook - DONE


I love reading your comments! Thanks for leaving me some love! (:

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