{shirt: Old Navy (now on sale!); shorts: Kohls (now on sale!); flats: MIA Limited Edition c/o (get them HERE! -- other colors available!); clutch: Madison Elizabeth Co. c/o; sunglasses: vintage Givenchy; cable bracelets: David Yurman; rhinestone bracelet: t+j Designs c/o; gold beaded friendship bracelet: Christina M Boutique c/o; ring: David Yurman; watch: Michael Kors; monogram necklace: Max&Chloe}
Took a stroll by the beach over the weekend, and grabbed some drinks and lunch with some friends. The weather was amazing -- really made me want to put on my bathing suit and lay out on the beach! By the way, how cute are my new green flats? My fave color! Love the bows and the pointed toe -- so chic & fun! Bow flats are becoming a pretty popular trend right now... I'm seeing them everywhere.
*I hope everyone's week is off to a great start! Don't forget to enter to win $50 store credit to the Kat-Kuffs etsy shop HERE. Giveaway ends this Friay, Feb. 10th!
You look STUNNING! I am LOVING all the color in this, Jen! I need those shoes, too! gorgeous!!!!!
ReplyDeletexo, Devon
you look gorgeous! :) love your shorts and all the colors u used...
ReplyDeletexoxo *
Love your blouse and ballerina flats!
ReplyDeleteI envy you for having such great and warm weather!
i just adore that bag!wow!lovely colourblocking dear.ur sunglasses is awesome too.
ReplyDeletethese colors, these colors!! babe, they are so amazing - I love the shorts and I love that you put the green shoes with the outfit - nice pop - the clutch adds a great touch to this look!! I really like the leather shorts alot.
ReplyDeleteThat block color clutch is very cute!
i love your shirt!!
ReplyDeletedrop by allister bee soon!
super clutch !
ReplyDeleteYou manage to look amazing every day!
ReplyDeleteGreat look. Such a great composition of colors:) Love those bright green shoes.
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos!! love the striped top and the colourful clutch and shoes...and great background!!
ReplyDeletexo Cara
Aww Jen! This is sooo cute and makes me so jealous of the weather..it is pouring near me :-/ But those flats are amazing and add the perfect additional pop!
ReplyDelete<3 Amanda
Love the punches of bright color here! Great style :)
love that blouse!
LOVE the shoes! I like that they are a different color than the other pieces, adds some interest and a great pop of color! Cute!
ReplyDeleteShoes in February! So lovely and lucky! And you know I love that clutch!
Love the color combo--the clutch is amazing! I love the flats too!
Love the orange and khaki together! after you wore the other ON top in the blue stripes, I really wanted to go get one. But now that they're on sale, I just might!! Love your green flats! <3
i like your clutch and your blog is soooo amazing
Fabulous clutch!
ReplyDeleteLaura xo
Look at you hot stuff! Love the sunnies and those flats are adorable! xo
ReplyDeleteJust got this blouse! Old Navy is the beesssttt..but you styled it so cute! I have to make sure I try something different when I post it on my blog! love it lady!
fab look !!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the stripes and that adorable clutch! Happy Tuesday, lady! x www.casualglamorous.com
ReplyDeleteI loooove that shirt! What a fun outfit... found your blog on Refinery 29 and lovin itttt!
Love the shirt and clutch!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S please follow back :)
I am sooo in love with this outfit! That top is perfect! :D