Hey lovelies! It's FRIDAY, and I couldn't be happier! What makes Friday's even better??? How about a fab lil giveaway?? Let me introduce to ya'll one of my new fave shops Rouge&Co. {also on etsy HERE!} Where do I even begin??? This shop is the creation of Angie West {it was a spin-off from her oh-so-popular kids label shop: CherryHillDesigns} --Angie and her team are christian southern belle's {girls after my own heart}! This shop warms my heart for many reasons. Firstly, this shop is filled with gifts, home decor, and accessories that are all monogrammed!!! I'm a southern belle so naturally I'm obsessed with anything that I'm able to stamp my initials on! Secondly, Rouge&Co. passes a major portion of their earnings to local and worldwide charitable causes! I am all about a great company that also gives back! *Use code Couture312 between now and 3/31/12 to receive 10% off any purchase!!*
The Rouge&Co. Team is offering one of the following to one lucky Belle de Couture reader: a Phone Cover {Economy only please}, a Laptop Sleeve, or a Wine Sleeve! How awesome is that??
*This giveaway is open to worldwide entrants!*
**To Enter, All you have to do is...**
[leave only one comment for 1-3 please]
1.) Like Rouge&Co on Facebook! {And why not give them a little love while you're visiting their wall??}
2.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin'
3.) If you have a twitter account, follow Rouge&Co!
*Don't forget to leave your e-mail address, so we can contact you if you win!
*For Additional Entries*
[Leave a separate comment for each additional entry]
1.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
2.) Share this giveaway on your blog, facebook, or twitter (leave a link to your tweet/post)
3.) Add Rouge&Co etsy shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.
4.) Like Belle de Couture on facebook
5.) Follow Belle de Couture on twitter
6.) Follow belledecouture via Instagram (@belledecouture)
7.) Stalk Belle de Couture via Currently Obsessed
8.) Follow Belle de Couture on Pinterest
This giveaway will end March 9, 2012 at 7 PM EST! The winner will be chosen at random via random.org! Good luck everyone!! xo
Liked Rouge&Co on FB and left some love, following Belle de Couture on Blog Lovin' ([email protected]), and also following Rouge&Co. on Twitter (Micahs_Mommy_08).
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Following Belle de Couture GFC (Jessica McMasters) and Blog Lovin' ([email protected]).
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Tweeted giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Micahs_Mommy_08/status/175606899469856769
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Added Rouge&Co. to my Etsy favorites (Jessica McMasters)
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Liked Belle de Couture on FB.
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Following Belle de Couture (Jennifer Rand) on Twitter (Micahs_Mommy_08)
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Following Belle de Couture on Pinterest (Jessica McMasters)
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Following Belle de Couture via Instragram ([email protected])
ReplyDeleteJessica McMasters
[email protected]
Follow you on GFC and them on Twitter, sadly I don't use facebook!
Follow on bloglovin and gfc!
Follow you on twitter!!
And on instagram!
ReplyDeleteadding rouge to my etsy faves!
I LOVE monogram stuff! These products are adorable!
ReplyDeleteI follow Belle de Couture via Bloglovin', I'm following Rouge and Co. on twitter and liked them on fb. (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
I added Rouge and Co. to my etsy favorites!
ReplyDelete(berbelis1) (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
I liked Belle de Couture on fb. (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeleteI'm follow Belle de Couture on twitter (MsBerbelis) (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeleteI'm already following Belle de Couture on instagram (cberbelis) (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeleteI'm following Belle de Couture on Pinterest. (Christine Marie) (berbelis.1 at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeletegfc micia
ReplyDeletefb silvia gaglia
twitter @micia18
1.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
ReplyDeletegfc micia
follower bloglovin
2.) tweet
3.) Add Rouge&Co etsy shop to your favorites if you have an etsy account.
4.) Like Belle de Couture on facebook
ReplyDeletesilvia gaglia
5.) Follow Belle de Couture on twitter
I follow you on GFC and I liked and followed Rouge & Co on FB and Twitter
ReplyDeleteHolly Gilmartin
[email protected]
And I follow you on Bloglovin'!
[email protected]
I favorited Rouge & Co on Etsy
[email protected]
I liked your page on FB
[email protected]
And I follow you on twitter! @hollygilmartin
[email protected]
and I follow you on instragram
[email protected]
I stalk you on Currently Obsessed
[email protected]
anddddd I follow you on pinterest!
[email protected]
I love it!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I liked Rouge & Co on Facebook (Susie Dobberpuhl), I'm following you on Bloglovin, and I'm following Rouge & Co on Twitter (Randomascanbe).
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I'm following you on Google and Bloglovin!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I'm following you on Twitter! (Randomascanbe)
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I liked you on Facebook! (Susie Dobberpuhl)
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Like Rouge&Co on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteFollow Belle de Couture Blog Lovin'
follow Rouge&Co! on twitter
Follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
ReplyDeleteLike Belle de Couture on facebook
ReplyDeleteFollow Belle de Couture on twitter
ReplyDeleteI liked the FB page!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Following you on FB! Love those wine sleeves...super cute
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Mandatory entries:
ReplyDelete1) Liked Rouge&Co on Facebook as Chitin Diego
2) Liked Belle de Couture via Google as Christine SD and Bloglovin' using lifescheapthrills[at]gmail[dot]com
3) Following Rouge&Co on Twitter (@LifesCheap)
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Liked Belle de Couture via Google as Christine SD AND Bloglovin' using lifescheapthrills[at]gmail[dot]com
ReplyDeleteEmail: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chitindiego/posts/3236794673948
ReplyDeleteand Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/LifesCheap/status/175900382315286528
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Added Rouge&Co etsy shop to my favorites.
ReplyDeleteEtsy username: christinesandiego
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Like Belle de Couture on facebook.
ReplyDeleteFacebook name: Chitin Diego
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Following Belle de Couture on Twitter
ReplyDeleteTwitter handle: @LifesCheap
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Following @belledecouture via Instagram
ReplyDeleteInstagram username: @tinsandiego
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
Following Belle de Couture on Pinterest
ReplyDeletePinterest name: Christine SD
Email: tinsandiego[at]gmail[dot]com
I am following Belle de Couture via GFC & Bloglovin'
ReplyDeleteFollowing Rouge&Co on twitter @swellswag
(I do not have a FB account... so delete my comments if that disqualifies) :)
[email protected]
Following your blog with both Google & Bloglovin'!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
following Belle de Couture on twitter @swellswag
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Doing 1-3 (Susan D) (susand1408) (crochet addictcfs) susand1408 at googlemail dot com
ReplyDeleteFollowing Rouge & Co on Facebook and Twitter: Munchtalk & @MunchTalks. Following you on GFC!
dailydealsjc (at) gmail.com
favorited their etsy shop!
dailydealsjc (at) gmail.com
liked belle de couture on FB!
following belle de couture on twitter!
liked Rouge Co. on facebook: Agnieszka Insińska
ReplyDeletegfc: agnieszkazg
twitter: @agusiazg
email: [email protected]
I'm following Belle de Couture via gfc and Bloglovin' as agnieszkazg
ReplyDeletetweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/agusiazg/status/175985184393535488
ReplyDeleteadded Rouge&Co to favorite on etsy as Agnieszka Insińska
ReplyDeleteliked Belle de Couture on facebook as Agnieszka Insińska
ReplyDeletefollowing Belle de Couture on twitter as @agusiazg
ReplyDeleteI completed 1-3...
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I am following you on Bloglovin' and Google.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I am following you on Currently Obsessed.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
And I am following you on Pinterest...
ReplyDelete[email protected]
And I tweeted about the giveaway.
[email protected]
I am following you on twitter...
ReplyDelete[email protected]
And I liked you on FB.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I am also following you on Instagram.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I added Rouge & Co. as a favorite on etsy.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
OH DEFINITELY! COUNT ME IN. I'm a monogram fanatic!!
ReplyDelete1.) Liked Rouge&Co on Facebook!
2.) Following Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
3.) followed Rouge&Co on twitter!
1.) Following Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
2.) Shared this giveaway on facebook: link here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Haute-Couture/189938861052819
4.) Liked Belle de Couture on facebook
5.) Following Belle de Couture on twitter
8.) Following Belle de Couture on Pinterest
email: [email protected]
blog: http://hautecouture3.blogspot.com
twitter: @GraceLee95
liked Rouge Co. on facebook: Blogul cu Hainutze
ReplyDeletegfc: Cami87
twitter: @blogulcuhainute
email: blogulcuhainutze(at)yahoo(dot)com
I Follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
ReplyDeleteGFC: Cami87
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/blogulcuhainute/status/176058660898877440
Added Rouge&Co etsy shop to favorites.
ReplyDeleteEtsy username: blogulcuhainutze
I like Belle de Couture on facebook as Blogul cu Hainutze
Follow Belle de Couture on twitter @blogulcuhainute
I follow Belle de Couture on Pinterest.
I liked FB page: Selmica Kiki
ReplyDeleteGFC: Selmica Kiki
I follow via twitter: @Selmica Kiki
e-mail: [email protected]
I Follow Belle de Couture via Google(Selmica Kiki) AND Blog Lovin via e-mail: [email protected]
ReplyDeleteI shared it on FB> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=243323602428923&id=100002052306979
ReplyDeletee-mail: [email protected]
I Added Rouge&Co etsy shop to my favorites: Selmica Kiki
ReplyDeletee-mail: [email protected]
I Liked Belle de Couture on facebook: Selmica Kiki
ReplyDeletee-mail: [email protected]
I Follow Belle de Couture on twitter: @Selmica Kiki
ReplyDeletee-mail: [email protected]
Liked on FB, followed you on GFC and followed Rouge & Co on Twitter (@RobinTA).
ReplyDeleteAdded Rouge & Co to my etsy favorites.
ReplyDeleteLiked you on FB :).
ReplyDeleteFollowed you on Twitter (@RobinTA).
ReplyDeleteFollowed you on Pinterest.
ReplyDeleteLiked rouge & co on facebook!
ReplyDeleteFollowing belle de couture on google!
[email protected]
Following belle de couture on pinterest!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Following on google and blog lovin!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Following belle de couture on facebook!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Hey Jen!
ReplyDeleteI adore this shop! Everything is amazing!
I did all entries including the additional ones! :)
I like Rouge&Co on Facebook!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I follow Belle de Couture via Google Friend Connect.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I follow Rouge&Co on twitter.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
ReplyDelete[email protected]
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I added Rouge&Co etsy shop to my favorites.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I like Belle de Couture on facebook.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I follow Belle de Couture on twitter.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I liked Rouge & co on Facebook
ReplyDeleteI'm following Belle de Couture on GFC
Antonella Rosso
rossoantonella AT gmail DOT com
Liked on fb.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Like Rouge&Co on FB
ReplyDeleteFollow Rouge&Co on twitter
[email protected]
enter me please ^^
ReplyDeleteGFC Francesca Scirpoli
FB Francesca Loveredhair
twitter @puntimania
blogovin (and mail) [email protected]
1 extra entry Followed Belle de Couture via Google (Francesca Scirpoli) AND Blog Lovin ([email protected])
ReplyDeleteAdded Rouge&Co etsy shop to my favorites ([email protected])
ReplyDeleteLiked Belle de Couture on facebook alias Francesca Loveredhair
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Followed Belle de Couture on twitter alias @puntimania
ReplyDelete[email protected]
The monogram covers are really cute. Would love to win a phone cover for my granddaughter...she just got her first cellphone
ReplyDeleteENTER ME! ^^
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
1.) Like Rouge&Co on Facebook as Diana Z
ReplyDelete2.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google as Diana Z
3.) Twitter as goldiez
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Follow Belle de Couture via Google as Diana AND Blog Lovin
ReplyDeletegoldiez at hotmail dot com
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Added Rouge&Co etsy shop to my favorites as goldiez.
ReplyDeletegoldiez at hotmail dot com
Like Belle de Couture on facebook as Diana Z.
ReplyDeletegoldiez at hotmail dot com
Follow Belle de Couture on twitter @goldiez
ReplyDeletegoldiez at hotmail dot com
Follow Belle de Couture on Pinterest as Diana
ReplyDeletegoldiez at hotmail dot com
Did all three mandatory requirements. Liked FB page as Ani G W, following via GFC as ani hearts japan and following on twitter @aniheartsjapan
ReplyDeleteaniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
Added Rouge & co to my etsy faves as aniheartsjapan
ReplyDeleteaniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
Liked Belle de Couture on FB as Ani G W
ReplyDeleteaniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
Following Belle de Couture on twitter with @aniheartsjapan
ReplyDeleteaniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
Following you on pinterest as ani wilson
ReplyDeleteaniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
Liked Rouge&Co on FB as Shani Smet
Following Belle De Couturevia GFC as kiss_shani
Following Rouge&Co via Twitter as ButterfliesSky
Following Belle De couture via Bloglovin as kiss_Shani/Shani
Favourited Rouge&Co on Etsy as ButterfliesSky
Following Belle De Couture on FB as Shani Smet
Following Belle De Couture via Twitter as ButterfliesSky
Followed Belle de Couture via Google and followed on facebook :D
ReplyDeletefollowed on twitter as nehsarang12
ReplyDeletenehsarang at yahoo dot com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/nehsarang12/status/176658735303897088
ReplyDeletenehsarang at yahoo dot com
follwing belle de couture via twitter
ReplyDeletenehsarang at yahoo dot com
Taken care of 1. 2. and 3.
ReplyDeleteevin bail at gmail dot com
I Tweeted about it! https://twitter.com/#!/MyFreckledPast/status/176692228696195074
ReplyDeleteI've added Rouge&Co's Etsy shop to my favorites. I'm FreckledPast on Etsy.
ReplyDeleteI Like Belle de Couture on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI now Follow Belle de Couture on twitter
ReplyDeleteI now follow all the boards of Belle de Couture on Pinterest. I'm EvinOK on Pinterest.
ReplyDeleteI Liked Rouge&Co on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI Followed Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin' : Francis Falucho
I followed Rouge&Co! @darkzside007
e-mail address : [email protected]
I Followed Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
ReplyDeleteI Liked Belle de Couture on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/francisfalucho?ref=tn_tnmn
ReplyDeleteFollowed Belle de Couture on twitter. @darkzside007
ReplyDeleteStalked Belle de Couture via Currently Obsessed via facebook. [email protected]
ReplyDeleteI like Rouge & Co on facebook (same name)
ReplyDeleteI follow Belle De Couture on Bloglovin (same name)
I follow Rouge & co. on twitter as fahlinstar
megnate at telus dot net
I follow you on Google (same name)
ReplyDeletemegnate at telus dot net
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/fahlinstar/status/176921484252561409
ReplyDeletemegnate at telus dot net
I heart Rouge&Co on etsy (id: megnate)
ReplyDeletemegnate at telus dot net
I follow you on pinterest (same name)
ReplyDeletemegnate at telus dot net
FB Kunac Marija
ReplyDeleteGFC medoKartonski
[email protected]
liked the fb and folloewd you on twitter
ReplyDeleteGFC-Allan Reyes
[email protected]
I like them on facebook - michelle chappell
ReplyDeleteFollowing them on twitter as mrsmchappell
Following you with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Added to my etsy favorites (curlygirl1971)
ReplyDeletemrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I like Belle de Couture on facebook - michelle chappell
ReplyDeletemrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Following Belle de Couture on pinterest
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
liked rouge&co on facebook and followed you via GFC!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
followed you via GFC AND bloglovin'
ReplyDelete[email protected]
also liked your facebook page!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
I like Rouge & Co on FB, following them on Twitter and following you on Blog Lovin!
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I'm following you on both GFC and blog lovin'
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
tweetd: https://twitter.com/#!/octoberthings/status/177956008721780736
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
shared on FB:
Erin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I like you on FB
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I'm following you on Twitter @octoberthings
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I added Rouge & Co to my favorites on Etsy
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I'm following you on Pinterest
ReplyDeleteErin Lawrence
octoberthings at gmail dot com
FB follower: Szabina Luzics
ReplyDeletetwitter: @szappanbubbi
bloglovin via email: porcukorborso at gmail dot com
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
also a GFC follower: Szappanbubi
ReplyDeleteporcukorborso at gmail dot com
already your FB fan as Szabina Luzics
ReplyDeleteporcukorborso at gmail dot com
already your twitter follower @szappanbubbi
ReplyDeleteporcukorborso at gmail dot com
favourited Rougeandco on etsy as Szabina L
ReplyDeleteporcukorborso at gmail dot com
I liked Rouge and Co on FB - Lauren Blogs
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome giveaway!
- [email protected]
What a fun shop! Love the wine sleeves! Liked them on FB, followed on Twitter and follow you via GFC!
ReplyDeleteLike you on FB!
ReplyDeleteFollow you on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteLiked on FB - Владимир Медведев (facebook.com/vova.med)
ReplyDeleteFollowed on Twitter - @bilbo_x
Followed on Bloglover - [email protected]
Vladimir Medvedev
bilbo_x (at) mosk (dot) ru