*Giveaway open to US & Canada Only!*
Hey loves! TGIF, and what better way to kick off the weekend then to have another fab giveaway?? Today the sweet folks over at Ego Closet are giving one lucky reader of mine $50 in store credit to egocloset.com! Pretty sweet huh? If you're not familiar with Ego Closet, they are an eclectic, modern, and glamorous online shop based in Canada. From their rad dresses (you might remember my post HERE, featuring this gorgeous coral dress), to their get-you-noticed bottoms (why, hello there striped harem pants), you're sure to find something on-trend and oh so fun to wear!

[leave only one comment for 1-3]
1.) Like Ego Closet on facebook
2.) Subscribe to the Ego Closet Newsletter (just scroll to the bottom of the Ego Closet page to find the "KEEP ME POSTED" field where you can input your e-mail address and receive a $5 coupon for signing up!)
3.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google or Blog Lovin'
For Additional Entries:
[leave a separate comment for each additional entry]
1.) Follow Ego Closet via twitter
2.) Follow Ego Closet via tumblr
3.) Leave a comment on the Ego Closet facebook page telling them your fave item from the shop!
4.) Follow Belle de Couture via Google AND Blog Lovin'
5.) Share this giveaway on your twitter, blog, or facebook page (leave the link to your share)
6.) Follow Belle de Couture on twitter
7.) Like Belle de Couture on facebook
8.) Follow Belle de Couture on Pinterest
9.) Stalk Belle de Couture via CurrentlyObsessed.Me
The giveaway is open to US and Canada residents, and it will end Friday, April 20th at 7 PM EST! The winner will be chosen at random via random.org! Good luck everyone! xo
Hey hon, another awesome giveaway! Thank you for this. And open to Canadians woot! Woot!
ReplyDeleteI've done 1 - 3!
natashafatah at gmail dot com
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
Thank you for another great giveaway ! <3 I've done steps 1-3
ReplyDelete[email protected]
OMG, thank you for introducing me to this store! My new "Asos" as it were. I'm in love with way too many pieces already! And got the coupon. Time to shop!
ReplyDeleteJust began following you on pinterest! My boards look so puny now... ;)
ReplyDeleteLiking your FB!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on twitter now!
ReplyDeleteI fell in love with their black, studded bustier and had to notate it. We know where that new customer coupon is going!
ReplyDelete1) I like Ego Closet on facebook (colleen boudreau)
ReplyDelete2) I subscribed to the Ego Closet Newsletter.
3) I follow Belle de Couture via GFC (collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com
I follow Ego Closet via tumblr (collifornia)
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
I follow Belle de Couture via Bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/collifornia/status/190906047844712450
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
I follow Belle de Couture on twitter (@collifornia)
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
I like Belle de Couture on facebook (colleen boudreau)
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
I follow Belle de Couture on Pinterest (pinterest.com/collifornia)
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
I stalk Belle de Couture via CurrentlyObsessed.Me.
ReplyDeleteholliister at gmail dot com
Liked ego closet on facebook!
ReplyDeleteJoined the newsletter.
Following belle de couture on bloglovin
Following belle de couture on pinterest!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Wrote on the ego closet's wall about my fave item [patience maxi tube skirt] Ashley Howser
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Following belle de couture on google and blog lovin!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Liked belle de couture on facebook!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Have completed one, two and three (as to three, I follow BDC on Google and Blog lovin!) Maria Carmela Renna, [email protected]
ReplyDeleteI like you on FB (JourneysofTheZoo).
ReplyDeletejourneysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
I follow Belle de Couture via BlogLovin (journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com).
ReplyDeletejourneysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
Lovely blog with so many interesting and inspiring posts! Love your work:) Would you like to follow each other?
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ReplyDeleteI'm following Belle de Couture on twitter! (Randomascanbe)
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Good taste and grace for the fashion.
ReplyDeleteDone steps 1-3 :D
ReplyDelete1. FB: Ella C. Parker
2. [email protected]
3. SouthernBelle83
following Ego Closet via twitter - @cheeta_kat
ReplyDeletealready a follower of yours both GFC AND Blog Lovin' :D
ReplyDeleteI tweeted the giveaway -- https://twitter.com/#!/cheeta_kat/status/192594279326171136
ReplyDeletefollower of Belle de Couture on twitter -- @cheeta_kat
ReplyDeletealready a fan of Belle de Couture on facebook -- FB: Ella C. Parker
ReplyDeleteStalked Belle de Couture via CurrentlyObsessed.Me
ReplyDeleteElla Parker
[email protected]
liked on fb as cassio tam, signed up for mailing list as twilight_aple at yahoo dot com, following
ReplyDeletefollowing egocloset on twitter as allie(twlyou)
ReplyDeletefollowing egocloset on tumblr as twlyou
ReplyDeletefollowing Bell De Couture via bloglovin' and gfc
ReplyDeleteposted on egocloset's fb as cassio tam
ReplyDeletefollowing BelleDeCouture on twitter as allie(twlyou)
ReplyDeleteliked Belle de Couture on fb as cassio tam
ReplyDeleteI liked Ego on Facebook, signed up for their newsletter, and follow you with Bloglovin'!
ReplyDeletez853www at hotmail dot com
Follow Ego Closet via twitter as @babybraddy.
ReplyDeleteFollowing Ego on Tumblr as hardlyahousewife.
ReplyDeleteCommented on Ego Facebook page:
Follow Belle de Couture with Google and Bloglovin!
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ReplyDeleteFollow you on Facebook as Christy Ann.
ReplyDeleteFollow you on Pinterest as hardlyhousewife.
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