Monday, September 22, 2014

Mama in Heels

{tee: OhBabyChic c/o // denim: APeaInThePod c/o // heels: Zara (old, similar styles HERE) // bag: Ellen Vicius c/o (*if out of stock, send email and they will place your order/also similar style HERE) // necklace: EllandEmm c/o // bracelets: Jurate Brown c/o, Cate & Chloe c/o, David Yurman, and EllandEmm c/o // sunglasses: Saint Laurent (buy HERE)}

I love a good graphic tee -- especially when it has a cute saying, so I was instantly smitten with this "Mama in Heels" tee from OhBabyChic the moment I set eyes on it. I received these camo jeans from A Pea In The Pod a few weeks ago and have been saving them for the perfect moment. I wanted to pair this tee with a fun pair of bottoms and not the usual blue denim. Camo makes such a statement, yet can really act as a neutral in your outfit. It's actually a print that can be quite versatile. Camo is one of my fave prints to wear in the fall and winter and looks especially fab when paired with fall hues like navy and oxblood.
P.S. I added a new bracelet to my arm party! It's the "Fiona 'Fair' Bangle" from Cate and Chloe. I love the classic design.

P.S.S. There's still time to enter my giveaway w/ Boden Clothing! Enter to win a baby gift set HERE!


  1. Fantastic bag and pants! You always look lovely and can rock pretty much any outfit!

  2. Great post, dear!

  3. Amazing look! Beautiful accessories! =D
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  4. Cute jeans!!

  5. This tee is just oh too fitting for you! Love it!

    Kristin of


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