When it comes to baby products I think every mama can agree with me when I say that we all want a product that is safe to use on our babies. That's why I love Earth Mama Angel Baby products. The brand provides natural, organic products that are safe and effective. Their herbal alternatives are for pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, and babies of all ages. I personally love the Calming Lavender Shampoo & Body Wash, as well as the Calming Lavender Baby Lotion. Both products are so gentle on my Bridgett's sensitive skin, and they smell amazing too! I really love how squeaky clean the shampoo & body wash is, and the lotion locks in moisture in her skin while keeping her smooth and soft. The Angel Baby Bath Blossoms are really amazing! They are easy to use sachets that safely nourish and moisturize sensitive newborn skin, itchy childhood rashes, or dry, flaky skin. They're perfect for mama AND baby! The Natural Nipple Butter is the best I've used thus far! It's the first lanolin free nipple cream and the first verified non GMO nipple cream too. It's not sticky at all and is super smooth -- just like butter! Another product that's perfect for breast feeding mama's is the Organic Milkmaid Tea. It's blended with traditional herbal galactagogues, like organic Fennel seed and mineral packed herbs, and it helps keep breast milk flowing.
Have you ever tried any Earth Mama Angel Baby products? If so, which product is your fave?
*Disclosure: These Earth Mama Angel Baby products were gifted to me, but all opinions are my own.
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