{baby food maker: BÉABA babycook® c/o // bib: Tommee Tippee c/o (Our FAVE!! Get it here and here) // animal container: Dollar Tree (So cute right?! Also here)}
Bridgett will be 6 months old next Thursday, July 9th, and so we've already started introducing rice, fruits, and veggies into her diet. When we started feeding Courtney baby food we always purchased it pre-made at the grocery store, but I was always intrigued by the baby food makers that I had seen on the market. A lot of my girlfriends, who are also mamas, always raved about the BÉABA babycook®, so I knew I had to give it a try. We've only been using it for about a month now, but we are already LOVING it! It's so easy!! I didn't realize how simple it would be to use. It makes up to 4.7 cups of food in only 15 minutes! The steam cooking locks in vitamins and nutrients that you normally do not get with purchased pre-made baby food. The mixing blade is operated with just one hand and provides the right amount of texture to the food. The mixing lid keeps everything contained and mess-free, while the spatula helps when handling the hot bowl after cooking, as well as depositing the food into bowls. You can free or refrigerate leftovers and even reheat them right in the babycook®! We love the sleek design too! It's definitely an appliance I don't mind leaving out on my counter top.
So far we've only made fruit combos and only a couple veggie recipes. Bridgett's faves are apples with pears, as well as carrots with apples and blueberries. She loves to eat, so really anything mama cooks up she gobbles down! Haha!
If you're in the market for a baby food maker, I highly suggest the BÉABA babycook® Pro. I don't know how we lived without it the first time around with Court.
Some other styles of the BÉABA babycook® Pro:
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by BÉABA, but all opinions are my own.
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