{shirt: Chic Wish c/o (also in blue!) *Use code: LUXE20 for 20% off! // skirt: Chic Wish c/o (also in green!) *Use code: LUXE20 for 20% off! // wedges: Mari A c/o (*Under $30 + also in black!) // bag: Rebecca Minkoff (similar color) // sunnies: Ray-Ban}
I know I know, here I am with ANOTHER EMBROIDERED PIECE -- but y'all, can you blame me?! I mean, when a button-up meets embroidery AND ruffles, how can you say no?! You can't!! And then throw the perfect corduroy mini (with a zipper) into the mix -- SOLD! Seriously a match made in heaven! ;) Oh, and y'all know I love me some fringe too, so these new wedges from Mari A were love at first sight. They are oh-so-comfy, and the cognac color is just perfect.
Are y'all fans of embroidered pieces as much as I am? I just can't get enough!
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You're looking so wonderful in this girly and 70s like outfit!
This blouse is so cute. Lovely combo!
I die for this embroidery trend! I want to wear it all, it's just too too pretty :)
ReplyDeletexoxo, SS
Southern And Style
"fresh" look I'd say ;)
Thank you for a great explanation. I was looking online for a similar idea and really appreciate it