tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post6289974492418048155..comments2021-08-08T08:57:59.194-07:00Comments on Belle de Couture: 1st Q&A Post: Ask Me Anything!Unknown[email protected]Blogger8125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-26416304471681126832011-05-05T17:52:17.237-07:002011-05-05T17:52:17.237-07:00If it&#39;s o.k, I&#39;d like to ask another quest...If it&#39;s o.k, I&#39;d like to ask another question... I&#39;d love to know what you do for work (if it&#39;s not too personal). I&#39;m hoping you&#39;re a stylist or buyer of some sort, because you are ridiculously good at putting outfits together, you should be getting paid for it!! xox NicoleNicolehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/00325000247304388196[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-39082331190154217432011-05-04T18:27:00.431-07:002011-05-04T18:27:00.431-07:00Congratulation on your one year of blogging. 1) H...Congratulation on your one year of blogging. <br />1) How did you get sponsors?<br />2) What camera do you use?<br />3) How tall are you?<br />4) Are you in the fashion industry?DOWNTOWNCHICAGOBARBIEhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/13837723766960754203[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-46639476144855633872011-04-26T13:57:16.971-07:002011-04-26T13:57:16.971-07:00Congrats on ONE YEAR girlie...just celebrated mine...Congrats on ONE YEAR girlie...just celebrated mine a few weeks back and it&#39;s so rewarding to see all you have done over the past year.<br /><br />Wonder what you do for a 9-5? Are you in fashion?<br />How did you get into thrifting?<br />ok that was three questions...oops<br />CAnonymoushttps://www.blogger.com/profile/04350270589503594727[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-86120507603192922892011-04-26T12:21:43.411-07:002011-04-26T12:21:43.411-07:00I am from the Tampa Bay area as well! Besides MisR...I am from the Tampa Bay area as well! Besides MisRed outfitters, whom i love, what other thrift stores or vintage boutiques do you shop at around the area? thanks!!micahmarisahttps://www.blogger.com/profile/10465222684128724558[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-34951160868308102482011-04-25T19:31:59.281-07:002011-04-25T19:31:59.281-07:00Hi there! Great anniversary post idea :) My questi...Hi there! Great anniversary post idea :) My question is what do you do to stay so fit? Do you have a specific workout routine. Also, what has been the biggest reward of blogging for you personally?Laurahttps://www.blogger.com/profile/02677713554930693275[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-13310398171776068102011-04-25T15:13:46.054-07:002011-04-25T15:13:46.054-07:00Congratulations on your 1 yr. anniversary. I had ...Congratulations on your 1 yr. anniversary. I had a question pertaining to the layout of your blog: I use blogger as well and would like to get rid of the borders, how did you get rid of yours?? I&#39;ve been trying to figure it out and have become so frustrated, if you could supply me with a simple step by step break down it would be greatly appreciated. my email is: [email protected]Abiola (Ah-bee-aw-la)https://www.blogger.com/profile/04611284835506591691[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-70402844689391466682011-04-23T00:08:47.112-07:002011-04-23T00:08:47.112-07:00Hey, what a great idea. I&#39;m such a big fan of ...Hey, what a great idea. I&#39;m such a big fan of your blog and your style is always immaculate. <br />My question is, was there a pivotal moment when you woke up one day with tonnes of followers, or was it a gradual thing. And also was there something you did differently, or any advice you can give to your readers that might help their exposure.<br />My guess is that it came naturally because your blog is so awesome, but I&#39;m so interested to know your thoughts.xox NicoleNicolehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/00325000247304388196[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-25802311098956144182011-04-22T08:20:00.098-07:002011-04-22T08:20:00.098-07:00congrats on your one year blogging! love these typ...congrats on your one year blogging! love these type of posts, infact i&#39;m doing one as well!! <br /><br />I&#39;m asking you some questions, would you do the same on my blog?<br /><br />Ok, so here we go:<br />- who is your fashion icon? I mean who is your favourite artist you love most when it comes to fashion?<br /><br />- what is your proudest possession?<br /><br />- what type of music do you like to listen most?<br /><br />- what do you love/hate most about yourself?<br /><br />hope to hear from you soon,<br />jos xxOnce Upon A Time...https://www.blogger.com/profile/10097947659383180341[email protected]