tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post7893802440903588640..comments2024-07-03T05:07:35.878-07:00Comments on Belle de Couture: {New Do!}Unknown[email protected]Blogger16125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-57412275264140663862012-12-03T06:34:27.491-08:002012-12-03T06:34:27.491-08:00You look so pretty and your new hair do looks grea...You look so pretty and your new hair do looks great!!!<br /><br /><br />Carsedra of:<br /><br />http://www.embracingtherealme.com/<br /><br />http://sweets4yourtooth.blogspot.com/Anonymoushttps://www.blogger.com/profile/08053470196108314770[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-18046194503331114012012-12-01T09:27:20.708-08:002012-12-01T09:27:20.708-08:00You&#39;re such an inspiration for all of the momm...You&#39;re such an inspiration for all of the mommy and mommy-to-be bloggers (including myself). Love your blog and congrats on your bundle of joy :)<br /><br />xx Jessica<br />www.jlovelee.comJess Leehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/04828479063958292869[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-57959481099421202692012-11-30T16:53:59.719-08:002012-11-30T16:53:59.719-08:00YOU ARE ADORABLE!!!!YOU ARE ADORABLE!!!!Tanya Dempseyhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/01353501242369600411[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-81779459632443989022012-11-30T16:27:52.044-08:002012-11-30T16:27:52.044-08:00Love the new do on you ! I wish you a great delive...Love the new do on you ! I wish you a great delivery and meeting with your little one ! You will instantly love him or her way more that you thought you could love any human being... it&#39;s amazing !<br /><br />I think womens foundamentally need to change their hair do before giving birth, I swear it&#39;s a thing !!!! I chopped it all off, my sister and law went from blonde to brunette, and my BFF when from brunette to blonde !<br /><br /><a href="http://a-pretty-nest.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">My Blog - A Pretty Nest</a>Marie-Evehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/00659985784634120551[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-8963753227800773102012-11-30T14:36:12.723-08:002012-11-30T14:36:12.723-08:00Cute look! And I love your new hairstyle. Victori...Cute look! And I love your new hairstyle.<br /><br />Victoria,<br /><a href="http://www.thewindofinspiration.com/" rel="nofollow">&#39;The Wind of Inspiration&#39; blog</a>THE WIND OF INSPIRATIONhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/02175545148258541991[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-84073587468264088932012-11-30T12:50:37.384-08:002012-11-30T12:50:37.384-08:00Next week? Hoe exciting!!!!!. I think its gonna be...Next week? Hoe exciting!!!!!. I think its gonna be a baby girl. Either way, its going to be the best holiday present. Best to you and yours. Xo-<br />_Jeweljewelhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/13575575910508756895[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-58311309299733518642012-11-30T12:43:08.070-08:002012-11-30T12:43:08.070-08:00I love the shorter hair do! You look fab! www.dai...I love the shorter hair do! You look fab!<br /><br />www.daisyraeboutique.com<br />www.kacieskloset.blogspot.comAnonymoushttps://www.blogger.com/profile/07011150271730251091[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-23464205318096265122012-11-30T11:00:08.807-08:002012-11-30T11:00:08.807-08:00Yay one more week (or more)! I went over my due d...Yay one more week (or more)! I went over my due date by 5 days and then contractions began on their own. Such a weird feeling, let me tell you. Stay rested and enjoy the last few days of being pregnant! Love your hair and those pants! &lt;3<br /><br />toniAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-739118669292930492012-11-30T08:32:11.708-08:002012-11-30T08:32:11.708-08:00I love your new hair! You look great and so ready...I love your new hair! You look great and so ready to be a Mom! xo<br />Best, M.<br />http://fadedmstyle.comM. (Faded M Style)http://fadedmstyle.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-4902386996701011682012-11-30T08:11:35.065-08:002012-11-30T08:11:35.065-08:00I absolutely love your hair Jen! I can not believ...I absolutely love your hair Jen! I can not believe you are due in less than a week. I know you can&#39;t wait to meet your little bundle :) Have a great weekend! xxAudrey Bhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/09606827280456842787[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-72961869004892692642012-11-30T08:02:45.594-08:002012-11-30T08:02:45.594-08:00I can&#39;t believe your due date is next week! I ...I can&#39;t believe your due date is next week! I feel like I still have forever to go. :) Your hair looks fantastic!The Suburb Experimenthttps://www.blogger.com/profile/01758238506542199320[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-40053968451754894712012-11-30T07:23:26.564-08:002012-11-30T07:23:26.564-08:00Wow look at you, you are absolutely beautiful! Lov...Wow look at you, you are absolutely beautiful! Love the new hair.<br />And only 1 week to go...oh my!! So excited for you.<br /><br />Wishing you all the best in this last week!<br /><br />xo Cara<br />http://www.afashionloveaffair.comCarahttps://www.blogger.com/profile/11861364897195945078[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-5102454630344757922012-11-30T06:24:59.425-08:002012-11-30T06:24:59.425-08:00You look fantastic!! Good luck over this next week...You look fantastic!! Good luck over this next week and enjoy these last few days before the craziness fully sets in ;)<br /><br />Chelsea<br /><a href="http://hautechildinthecity.com" rel="nofollow">Haute Child in the City</a>Chelsea Machttps://www.blogger.com/profile/10008824745155687934[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-15735452422651533522012-11-30T06:08:34.769-08:002012-11-30T06:08:34.769-08:00Love the new hair! I just cut mine off over Thanks...Love the new hair! I just cut mine off over Thanksgiving too, to donate to Locks of Love. I&#39;m still adjusting to the shorter hair. <br />Can&#39;t wait to hear if it&#39;s a boy or girl and see adorable baby pictures! You&#39;re so close to meeting him/her!Laurahttps://www.blogger.com/profile/09665359119269525746[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-34775177497529042022012-11-30T05:58:43.909-08:002012-11-30T05:58:43.909-08:00I think that you&#39;ll have a little princess, ba...I think that you&#39;ll have a little princess, baby girl :) <br />However, the only thing that matters that you get a healthy baby, everything else is less important. How crazy it is that your due date is in less than a week??!! Good luck with everything. <br />I totally like your new hairdo, you look beautiful!<br /><br />http://lartoffashion.blogspot.comNatalihttps://www.blogger.com/profile/00658307537388232224[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7565040365906452039.post-14748122994329963152012-11-30T05:56:42.797-08:002012-11-30T05:56:42.797-08:00how exciting!! love the new hair style! xohow exciting!! love the new hair style! xoLotus Blossom Designhttps://www.blogger.com/profile/04154804645701029618[email protected]